View Full Version : Scared a heart attack is coming

Mrs Anxious
21-08-17, 23:08
Wel it's been a long time since I have posted here which is a good thing I guess but right now I am in turmoil.

I have a dull ache in my left arm that won't go away I've had it about a week and I am getting intermittent chest discomfort left side, I wouldn't say pain just a discomfort... as a 41 year old woman I am beside myself a heart attack is coming I am also sweating a lot more and reading that women have very different symptoms to men, I am also a smoker so my anxiety is really up worrying about this.

I am also getting jerks a lot lately when dropping off to sleep but I am jumping up catching my breath... it's miserable right now and i in the vicious circle again... I went to my doctor last week re my thyroid mess and levels so I don't want to go again about this as they know I have health anxiety and advised I wait three weeks with a symptom and if it's still there to go to doctor.
I'm sorry for rambling but it's 11pm I am wide awake worrying and somehow I have to be up at 5 for work :(

21-08-17, 23:19
Hi. I understand. I too dealing again with the fear of heart attack. I have been doing so well with my anxiety until 2 days ago. I worry too much about everything. It has to be anxiety. When I think I had this before. I found if I can forget it it goes away. No family history of heart conditions. I truly understand. I hope you feel better. We both have to think of more positive thoughts. Hope you feel better.

22-08-17, 03:28
If its any new pain to your chest. It has to be cleared by your doctor.
Think of your daily activities is there anything new you are doin? That can cause those pains.

Mrs Anxious
22-08-17, 07:33
Thank you both for replying, Bittersweet it's awful isn't it you fixate on something and it's really hard to not worry constantly about it :( I have been looking up what does a heart attack feel like and all sorts.

Hypomean my daily activities have changed in the sense that I have been really ppprly lately with a virus so sleeping a lot more, thanks again for replies I appreciate it x

22-08-17, 11:56
Yes mrs anxious. It terrible to seem to focus on this. My husband reminded me that i did lifting of wood on Saturday. So could be reason for strange aches. Im not as young as i use to be. Strange one little ache makes the brain go into panic mode. Hope you feel better.

Mrs Anxious
24-08-17, 17:59
Well still having symptoms aching arm and heartburn really bad, gaviscon is my best friend hoping the longer this goes on the less likely it's a heart attack :(