View Full Version : Is it possible to "pull" an eye muscle?

18-08-17, 13:33
Hey everyone,

I have been doing great for many months with regards to health anxiety but it just goes to show you it never truely "goes away". As now im concerned about eye cancer.

Essentially in my right eye only when I look up far and diagonally towards the bridge of my nose with just my eye then it feels like a painful pulling sensation like the muscles are inflamed or strained. Simmilar to the sensation that you have with eye strain but only in one eye. Is it possible to have this happen in one eye as I don't have a headache.

I only really noticed this yesterday and it is still lingering today. I wouldn't be so worried because I had an eye exam about 4 days ago but when they took pics of the back of my eyes the optitian only saw one on the system as the person taking photos of my eyes was new I think. I can't even remember which eye was left out so in my mind im thinking "what if the picture she didn't send to the optitian had cancer in it".

Im just kind of scared that I could have something sinister as I haven't seen anything about it being possible to just have a pulled eye or eye strain in just one eye, especially as I don't have a headache...

edit: the pain is kind of like a pulling feeling on the top of the eye, again - when looking up. And if i press into the top of my eye it feels tender. (not hard, im not that silly lol)

kind of scared here, anyone have simmilar experiences? :shrug:

18-08-17, 13:41
I really doubt that if there were something sinister in one of your eyes the person taking the pics would let that information out.

Maybe your eye is hurting BECAUSE of the exam?

18-08-17, 13:53
Maybe possible, but im not sure how it could have caused it, nothing in the eye exam should have caused this strain or pulling feeling in just one eye.

I had the photos of my eye taken, then air blown into my eye then I had to look side to side while the optitian I think looked into my eye.

The only thing I can think of (which again I don't know if this is possibke) is that I could have looked to the sides a little too much or too rough and pulled the muscle?

Idk, its the fact its only in one eye that it is scaring me.

Gary A
18-08-17, 14:32
Maybe possible, but im not sure how it could have caused it, nothing in the eye exam should have caused this strain or pulling feeling in just one eye.

I had the photos of my eye taken, then air blown into my eye then I had to look side to side while the optitian I think looked into my eye.

The only thing I can think of (which again I don't know if this is possibke) is that I could have looked to the sides a little too much or too rough and pulled the muscle?

Idk, its the fact its only in one eye that it is scaring me.

They put air into your eye to measure intraoccular pressure, basically the pressure in your eye. If you had a tumour growing in your eye your intraoccular pressure would have been through the roof. It clearly wasn't.

18-08-17, 14:51
when I look up far and diagonally towards the bridge of my nose with just my eye then it feels like a painful pulling sensation like the muscles are inflamed or strained.

Ok... you do realize that under normal everyday life, no one intentionally and with effort does that with their eyes? It's like saying, "When I take my arm and pull it around my back, I get a pain in my shoulder. Should I see a doctor?" And then to do this odd self test and attribute it to eye cancer? C'mon now ;)

Positive thoughts

18-08-17, 15:28
Ok... you do realize that under normal everyday life, no one intentionally and with effort does that with their eyes? It's like saying, "When I take my arm and pull it around my back, I get a pain in my shoulder. Should I see a doctor?" And then to do this odd self test and attribute it to eye cancer? C'mon now ;)

Positive thoughts

Yeah, it's a Scottish thing, but I was about to say, "Gonnae no dae that" lol.

(of course, being me I just did it and ow! That is NOT a natural thing to do with your eye).

18-08-17, 15:57
Thanks everyone,

Again with HA its like I know im being stupid but there is still that what if scenario.
It does feel like a pulled muscle to be honest and it is only when I diagonally look up. plus I would imagine if it were to be cancer related I would have noticed it for weeks now, I have only properly noticed it this morning and yesterday evening.

Gary A
18-08-17, 16:44
Thanks everyone,

Again with HA its like I know im being stupid but there is still that what if scenario.
It does feel like a pulled muscle to be honest and it is only when I diagonally look up. plus I would imagine if it were to be cancer related I would have noticed it for weeks now, I have only properly noticed it this morning and yesterday evening.

Again, you have normal intraoccular pressure, that would not be the case if you had a tumour within your eye. Surely that should be enough for you to completely rule this one out?

18-08-17, 23:19
You are right, I think at the back of my mind I feel like the person doing it seemed new and i feel like she may not understand the readings or maybe did something wrong, i mean she only sent a picture of 1 eye to the optitian :scared15:

Gary A
18-08-17, 23:25
You are right, I think at the back of my mind I feel like the person doing it seemed new and i feel like she may not understand the readings or maybe did something wrong, i mean she only sent a picture of 1 eye to the optitian :scared15:

The optician looks at the full report. Visual field testing, visual acuity, intraoccular pressure and any photos of the fundus, the back of your eye, is evaluated by the optician.

Your visual acuity was fine, all visual fields were fine, any photos viewed were fine, and your intraoccular pressure was fine. Yet, you're worried you might have a tumour growing within your eye? :shrug:

Each and every one of those tests would be adversely affected by something like that. You're just looking for an excuse to worry at this point. Your anxiety is looking for something to feed off, don't let it.

19-08-17, 06:38
I went through the eye cancer obsession when I was at uni. Turns out I had astigmatism and just needed glasses. Eye cancer is rare.

22-08-17, 00:23

Is it possible to pull an eye muscle, I have had a pulled muscle feeling in my right eye when i look up and to the side. Noticed since my optitian appointment... Scared it is Optic neuritis ( an early ms symptom)


I have had this sensation for about 7 days now, it is isolated to my right eye.

When I look up or the upper left (thats the worst) I feel a muscle pull kind of painful sensation.

Sadly I have recently relapsed a bit in terms of HA and googling has taken over me and all this issue seems to be pointing to is one of the first presenting signs of MS, it is called 'orbital neuritis' and It is the only thing popping up aside from eye strain.

I have had eye strain before and it is always in both eyes and is accompanied by a headache - this is not and has lasted about 7 days now as apposed to the usal 1 or 2 at most from other eye strains I have had...

I really noticed this after an eye test recently (getting new glasses in the next few days). I am mainly concerned because the person that took the photos of the back of the eyes and did the pressure test etc seemed slightly "new" should we say and made several mistakes, the final one being only sending one eye picture to the actual qualified optitian, who didnt seem alarmed, she did the usual glasses test and the bright light which i assume is to look at the back of the eye as well.

So im wondering if it is at all possible to pull an eye muscle, I am wondering if it is possible to do so if i looked to far over to the side during my eye exam? I REALLY don't want to fall down the MS trap of vague symptoms but this seems pretty close to orbital neuritis.

I know that orbital neuritis is usally accompanied with vision issues but my visual accuity in that eye is still fine. Its the fact that i saw a doctor on a forum that said orbital neuritis can present with only pain that scared me.

Anyone had this before? ( I posted about this a few days ago in fear of an eye tumor which I realise is silly as that could be detected by the exam most likely but this sensation is starting to scare me.

22-08-17, 08:04

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


22-08-17, 10:21
OK thanks Ellen.
It's still there as well :(

22-08-17, 18:04
I have spent the last few hours googling and have only found this optic neuritis thing as the only solution. The issues is optic neuritis can cause this pain without the vision issues, It is really looking like im going to be diagnosed with MS. And im off to uni soon :weep: Optitian will "squeeze me in" later today so ill see what she says if anything.

I have a bad feeling about this...

---------- Post added at 18:04 ---------- Previous post was at 14:28 ----------

Got back from the eye appointment and mentioned everything - the fact it feels like muscle pain, only hurts when i look a certain direction etc.

She dilated my pupils with drops, used lights etc to look into my eye and did a field of vision test and it all came back fine, however she diagnosed me with "dry eyes" and gave me some gel for my eyes, i dont get how this would be causing the pain i am having and am now worrying im going to be mis diagnosed and this is Optic neuritis that she can't detect. I suppose the only way to tell is time now.

Im really scared and still dont know if sudden rapid eye movement can cause the muscles on the eye to sprain.

(I dont think the merging of my posts has helped)

22-08-17, 18:37
Again, you're doing something unusual with your eyes that no person does intentionally and feel a weird pain! With respect, you have an all clear from a trained medical professional and this is a totally irrational fear. The simple solution is DON'T DO THAT!

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts