View Full Version : Abdominal ultrasound on Thursday - scared.

22-08-17, 00:30
Hi all,

I'm going for an abdominal ultrasound on Thursday and I'm terrified. Not of the procedure, but that they'll find something. I'm being sent because for the past month or more I've been having pain in my upper abdominal region (just under my diaphram.) My anxiety managed to convince me that it was my gallbladder and since then I've stopped leaving the house. My Dr. Said he thought it was probably my IBS, but he's sending me for the ultrasound just to make sure. I'm so worried it'll be my gallbladder and I'll have to have surgery - I don't ever want to have surgery. I'm so afraid of being put under and being on a breathing machine. The thought terrifies me. Looking for good thoughts and reassurance. I know abdominal ultrasounds are very common around these parts.

22-08-17, 00:36
Hey :)
You'll be fine. If you had gallbladder problems you would have had a lot of other symptoms aswell, not just pain. IBS can cause pain in that area too. And the procedure is painless incase you were wondering. Let is know how you get on. x

22-08-17, 00:37
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. :hugs:

22-08-17, 00:40
Ah you're welcome. I know how horrible and worrying it is waiting for a procedure (mainly the results of said procedure) and how awful it is cos you've convinced yourself there's something wrong already. IBS has a lot to answer for and it can cause some pretty horrible symptoms that we convince ourselves are sinister diseases x

23-08-17, 03:31
I have had the same test earlier this year because of pain on upper part of stomach as well. The test is a bit annoying but chances of them finding something is low. My doc told me before my test that even if they found a gallbladder malfunction, chances are high that they could fix it with diet only. No need for surgery. Anyway, my results were normal. But I totally understand your fear and your pain!

29-08-17, 20:40
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time out to respond! I got my ultrasound results back today and it was "unremarkable." No issues. Dr. said it's just my IBS playing tricks on me. Here's hoping I can convince my silly brain of that. We upped my Prozac today while I was there. Fingers crossed it does the trick - have to return to
work tomorrow after a month off.

Thanks again everyone!

30-08-17, 20:43

06-09-17, 21:15
good stuff and thanks for reporting back x