View Full Version : Another Eclipse Worry Wart

22-08-17, 02:02
My friend got eclipse glasses from someone on craigslist. I was wary of them, but they looked legit. According to an article you shouldn't be able to see anything except the sun through the glasses if they are legit, and that was the case.

I was still cautious, and only took about 5 VERY short glances at the sun with the glasses over my sunglasses (like 1 second each). The sun was just a bright orange and not painful to the eyes at all. No afterburn or anything.

OF COURSE my health anxiety kicked in and I suddenly worried that the glasses were crap or fake and although I don't see any afterburn or anything I can't stop paying attention to my eyesight! And you know what happens when you start paying attention to a body part or bodily sensation...it's magnified tenfold! My eyes feel "weird" or off, but I can't really see any difference from before. I'm sure I'm imagining it but I can't knock the anxiety.

Can someone talk me down? I've surfed before at sunset (here in CA the sun sets over the ocean) and have taken such glances at the sun repeatedly WITHOUT any protection, (which is kind of painful when you're trying to look for incoming waves with the sun in your eyes) and my eyes are totally fine.

I also started Wellbutrin a few days ago and it has kicked my anxiety up a notch. Perhaps it's not a good medication for me.

22-08-17, 02:05
You are fine. If you can see enough to type and don't have little suns in your vision? You are fine! My husband glanced up without glasses and he's fine. The eclipse isn't going to make your eyes melt out. I glance at the sun accidentally almost daily.

22-08-17, 02:20
There's #2 ;) You're fine, you wore eclipse glasses. I'm 100% confident you weren't wearing counterfeit glasses that would cause eye damage and you certainly didn't stare at the sun so... ;)

Positive thoughts and "The sun was eclipsed by the moon" - Pink Floyd

22-08-17, 02:33
When we had our one years ago the newspapers attached the cheap glasses. They are no more than what we used as kids. That's why they appear so cheap.

You can easily make them yourself, many did.

22-08-17, 18:03
Thanks for the responses everyone :) I read them yesterday and they definitely helped me feel better.

Sometimes you just need to say (or type) these worries out loud and have someone tell you you're just worrying too much :)