View Full Version : Suffering in silence!!

22-08-17, 08:19
Just wondering how many people keep their feelings to themselves.
No matter how bad I feel I never tell anyone.
I think I am scared of their reaction as most people who have never suffered anxiety think your just being silly and need to just get over it.
I would love for them to feel how I do just for 1 day to realise how I struggle to get through each day. I try to put on a brave face but inside I feel like I am dying.
Sometimes it's too much and I need to take myself to a room on my own and have a few tears to relieve some of the tension and stress from trying to keep it together :shrug:

22-08-17, 11:27
Hi Helenclaire,

I too have difficulties in explaining my symptoms to other people who I also think you are just making it up and that you should just get on with it. During the working day I tend to feel gradually worse (maybe because the people / atmosphere) at the end of day my I can feel high pressure in my head which causes me to feel off-balance and slightly dizzy - not pleasant at all :(

I would really like to improve and get past this and feel normal again, sometimes it feels like am losing my marbles. Anyway, best wishes to you - you are not alone and am sure there are plenty more people with the same feelings....

22-08-17, 13:48
Thank you for replying.
I also get the dizzy/ off balance feeling and find it hard to function normally.
It helps to know I am not on my own with these feelings but I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
I wake up everyday hoping to feel better.:weep: