View Full Version : Lymph nodes under jaw

22-08-17, 16:29
Hello, I'm 13 weeks pregnant and trying not to stress out, but I am. I have a lymph node under my jaw? Where the usual glands they check for are up, and only one is up the one on the other side is fine I think, it's like a big pea and moves, I have a cold and ear infection so I think this could be why but
I am thinking the worse due to my health anxiety, I just don't know what to do my doctor won't see me till next week, It's tender and painful but why is only side up?

22-08-17, 16:42
I literally had a scan today on my nodes.

I too, have a mobile, pea-sized node in the jaw area.
Guess what? Normal!
I can only feel it on my right hand side and it's been there for years.

Keep in mind, when you're pregnant, your immune system is a lot lower so, you'll be more susceptible to viruses and infections.

It sounds pretty normal to me. :)

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22-08-17, 17:30
I've had a pea sized node under my jaw since I was really young and never caused me problems.

I also currently have a painful and tender one in my groin which has come up due to a boil near by.