View Full Version : Fearing nuclear conflict

22-08-17, 17:17
I'm terrified! The Express have suggested that a North Korean missile launch is imminent. They say the leader is missing, but I'm sure he's just hiding in a bunker somewhere! I'm trying to shrug it off as some tabloid thing, but the fact is, they won't hold off nuking America forever! They'd already fired a test missile at Japan last year. They're bound to do something sooner or later. Please, tell me I'm just going crazy about this!

22-08-17, 17:39
I'd suggest that perhaps The Express is not the place for reasonable, realistic reporting, and is slightly more geared towards big attention-grabbing headlines.
I'm no expert but N Korea must know that the second they did anything like that, Donald Trump would fire back something 10 times worse immediately. It would be completely suicidal for N Korea and certainly the end of their regime. There would be nothing to gain from them firing a nuclear weapon first (if there was another Korean war which N Korea would certainly lose they'd maybe use nuclear weapons as a last ditch attempt to do something but that is pretty speculative of me). I'm not a Trump fan at all, but he is someone who you feel would certainly retaliate harshly and N Korea must know this too.
I'm not saying it wont happen, but as crazy as the N Korean regime is, they'll be aware of the consequences for them if they do anything (even if he is in a bunker and doesn't care about his entire population being killed, he wont want to have to live in a bunker surrounded by nuclear wasteland, with no power or country to lead for the rest of his life) so I really doubt there will be any sudden strike.

22-08-17, 18:11
That's not very reassuring.

22-08-17, 20:44
I would suggest that you take a break from watching or reading the (fake) news. Keep in mind that the purpose of news is not to inform you or give you the truth but it is pushing specific agendas and narratives, currently it is beating the war drums against North Korea.

There will not be a war as the people behind the curtains are not stupid and will not do something as reckless as provoking WW3. This is just theatre so you can relax and don't take any of it seriously.

23-08-17, 01:01
If it ever happened, do you think we would be finding out we were about to be nuked by a succession of newspapers? Wouldn't we all be ash before they even had chance to print a single paper or write an article even?

Do you think the government would allow the media to brief the nation on the attack? So, that would be 1/10th real information and 9/10th biased opinion or mud slinging to suit their political leanings?

Wouldn't the media know later? Wouldn't the government impose the superinjunction if they had a whiff the media were to report something real? Would the government allow the media to create a public panic and inevitable looting & violence that would come with it?

NK is a dictatorship. Dictators don't like living in poverty just like our rich politicians don't. Why would they obliterate all their money and turn it into a Mad Max world where the strongest can take it all off them? No army can withstand real civil war. Who would wipe his ass each day? His wife? His generals?

NK hate the US, they also see how the US meddle in regime change and the only thing that stops that is nuclear capability.

Obama gave the speeches and appealed to them. NK are set on their plan and laughed at him, probably along with the rest of us. Trump is trying the more active approach but NK aren't stupid, despite the hair cut issue (actually, that can apply to the US too at the moment :winks:).

The media just whip it all up. They draft in "experts" to speculate to fit their narrative like Trump's personality...like politicians aren't devoid of morals the world over.

23-08-17, 01:32
I can promise with 100% certainty that even if it did escalate to a short nuclear exchange it wouldn't spell global thermonuclear war immediately. Even China are cutting off billions in trading from north korea, and while china would impose hefty political posturing against the USA, it wouldn't spell global catastrophic war. Judging from your flag, you're in the UK. So even if an exchange did happen you'd be as safe as anything.

27-08-17, 11:28
I'd suggest that perhaps The Express is not the place for reasonable, realistic reporting, and is slightly more geared towards big attention-grabbing headlines.

O the front of one newspaper this week, might have been the Daily Mail, we had a picture of the Terminator with a headline about machines bringing the end of the world. :doh:

Still, it's a break from Trump causing it...unless he's a Terminator too. :winks:

27-08-17, 21:35
There was a previous post about this and I echo what I said before.
There is an absolute media feeding frenzy over this at the moment. Social media is the worst with all these suggested posts that no one asks for. CNN, Fox, Yahoo, MSN, all the same, their homes pages regularly carry this stuff,
What you have to keep in mind is that it's written by journalists probably fresh out of uni who are employed by these companies to write something everyday to fill web space or a page of a newspaper. A lot of it is utter made up bull crap. Not a fan of Trump but I'm right behind him with this fake news rubbish. Nothing much happening today but I've got to fill this page. Do I hammer a celebrity? Nah, let's make something up about NK, that's current.

Paid journalists are writing this, remember that.... not politians, diplomats or any body else who really knows what's going on. Take a break from the papers and their online versions

27-08-17, 22:32
There is an absolute media feeding frenzy over this at the moment. Social media is the worst with all these suggested posts that no one asks for. CNN, Fox, Yahoo, MSN, all the same, their homes pages regularly carry this stuff,
What you have to keep in mind is that it's written by journalists probably fresh out of uni who are employed by these companies to write something everyday to fill web space or a page of a newspaper. A lot of it is utter made up bull crap. Not a fan of Trump but I'm right behind him with this fake news rubbish. Nothing much happening today but I've got to fill this page. Do I hammer a celebrity? Nah, let's make something up about NK, that's current.


Totally agree with you! Most of these so called "journalists" are worst than prostitutes and are hired to push specific agendas by the puppet masters, right now it is beating the war drums against NK.

These same journalists were the cheerleaders for NATO and the rebels in the war on Libya and once that country was destroyed they moved on to Syria. You probably know all news media is owned by less than 6 corporations, this includes both left wing and right wing news outlets.,

As you said it is all fake news designed to confuse people and give them the illusion that there is a real debate going on when in reality these paid journalists are singing from the same hymn sheet.

27-08-17, 23:37
I can promise with 100% certainty that even if it did escalate to a short nuclear exchange it wouldn't spell global thermonuclear war immediately. Even China are cutting off billions in trading from north korea, and while china would impose hefty political posturing against the USA, it wouldn't spell global catastrophic war. Judging from your flag, you're in the UK. So even if an exchange did happen you'd be as safe as anything.

Yes, when goods cross borders...as is the case between the US and China...rarely do armies. I expect the US and China would be solidly aligned against NK aggression. As a matter of fact I think it quite possible that China would stifle NK without US help. Also aligned against North Korea would be Japan and South Korea. To be honest I highly doubt that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are anything extraordinary. Certainly nothing to match the literally thousands of nuclear warheads the United States has around the world both on land and on nuclear submarines. Stop worrying about nuclear war and go have ice cream.


30-08-17, 22:07
Hi Frank your post lost credibility in my mind by words three and four: 'The Express'! :D

(Sorry not trying to trivialise anxiety which is a horrible condition, just taking a swipe at the ghastly Express newspaper)

31-08-17, 02:27
Hi Frank your post lost credibility in my mind by words three and four: 'The Express'! :D

(Sorry not trying to trivialise anxiety which is a horrible condition, just taking a swipe at the ghastly Express newspaper)

Well I suppose someone's got to make The Daily Mail look at least a bit to the left! :D

---------- Post added at 02:27 ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 ----------

Yes, when goods cross borders...as is the case between the US and China...rarely do armies. I expect the US and China would be solidly aligned against NK aggression. As a matter of fact I think it quite possible that China would stifle NK without US help. Also aligned against North Korea would be Japan and South Korea. To be honest I highly doubt that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are anything extraordinary. Certainly nothing to match the literally thousands of nuclear warheads the United States has around the world both on land and on nuclear submarines. Stop worrying about nuclear war and go have ice cream.


And wouldn't China want the US to pay it's loans off? War = no loan payments.