View Full Version : Stressed over getting blood test

22-08-17, 22:59
My doctor wants go give me one before I get anymore risperidone but I've yet to book one as I hate getting them.

Anybody else have this issue? :blush:

22-08-17, 23:33
WELL I'm not fond of them but what's the worst that can happen? It'll sting for a minute that's all

23-08-17, 09:15
ACTUALLY i think there great, you find any problems early if there is any, they don't hurt at all , its like having a health check all in one:yesyes:

23-08-17, 12:54
I went to the Vampire Suckers today for my monthly test,you get used too it even though it is hard too find a good vein.

23-08-17, 13:02
I had one a little while ago and was so anxious, but when I actually got there it really was not as bad as I was making it out to be :doh:

23-08-17, 17:38
I went to the Vampire Suckers today for my monthly test,you get used too it even though it is hard too find a good vein.

how come you go every month ???????????:wacko: it take 2 weeks for results

23-08-17, 18:22
how come you go every month ???????????:wacko: it take 2 weeks for results

for bog standard blood tests it takes 2 days here

24-08-17, 09:28
for bog standard blood tests it takes 2 days here
I still dont understand why you go every month, WHAT is your illness that changes month by month, BLOOD TEST in England if mentally ill is once a year , and if a fluctuating thyroid six months for that . explain please ??????????????

24-08-17, 10:19
I still dont understand why you go every month, WHAT is your illness that changes month by month, BLOOD TEST in England if mentally ill is once a year , and if a fluctuating thyroid six months for that . explain please ??????????????

My doctor wants one every three months but my previous doctor never wanted any.

25-08-17, 03:53
I still dont understand why you go every month, WHAT is your illness that changes month by month, BLOOD TEST in England if mentally ill is once a year , and if a fluctuating thyroid six months for that . explain please ??????????????

Sorry braindead,but that is private and something you don't need too know.My tests do come back in 2/3 days.:D

25-08-17, 03:59
I used to stress so badly over them. I even fainted at one point! I get blood drawn every three months or so now, due to autoimmune disease. I think the more often you get it done, the more you become used to it. Just remember to breathe and find an object to focus on while you focus on breathing. Good luck!

25-08-17, 18:01
Sorry braindead,but that is private and something you don't need too know.My tests do come back in 2/3 days.:D

your on a forum talking about your illness, sorry i thought the point was to be open , :shrug:

25-08-17, 18:03
your on a forum talking about your illness, sorry i thought the point was to be open , :shrug:

No it's not - they weren't making a post about themselves, they were merely making a remark on another post

25-08-17, 18:18
No it's not - they weren't making a post about themselves, they were merely making a remark on another post

I just asked a valid question ????? i answer anything from posters private or not thats the nature of the beast , but if i was out of line its cool with me.:wacko:

25-08-17, 18:21
I just asked a valid question ????? i answer anything from posters private or not thats the nature of the beast , but if i was out of line its cool with me.:wacko:

I'm not having a pop at you. That's absolutely fine if you want to share details of stuff, but some people don't like to :)

25-08-17, 22:27
I hated getting blood work too - more the waiting for results. But honestly since I got pregnant I have had to get it done so often that I don't get nervous anymore. I bet once you do it you will think it was easy and feel a lot better about it.

05-09-17, 20:38
They booked me in Monday not looking forward to it

05-09-17, 21:08
Blood test are hit or misses for . Sometimes I get a nurse who takes the blood and I don't even feel the needle. Other times you get a careless mofo who who just rams the needle in.

But the good thing blood test only last a few seconds.

05-09-17, 21:18
It's not the tests I mind themselves it's the results!

05-09-17, 22:55
It's not the tests I mind themselves it's the results!

Yes I will have that to worry about next :huh:

06-09-17, 09:50
WHEN i have blood test like for the last 45 years they never tell me the results unless i ask/ if they dont tell you there is nothing wrong so dont ask. my thyroid need a slight up or down in micro grams but the doc just changes the script to the new level he never informs me,:shrug:

11-09-17, 11:46
I got the test they took about 3 lots and I felt close to fainting. So it was as bad as i thought I will be refusing going every three months :blush:

11-09-17, 17:43
I got the test they took about 3 lots and I felt close to fainting. So it was as bad as i thought I will be refusing going every three months :blush:

what meds are you on to go every 3 months, for bloodwork, NHS once a year now, 6 month for thyroid but only if you shrink ask,s :confused:

11-09-17, 18:20
what meds are you on to go every 3 months, for bloodwork, NHS once a year now, 6 month for thyroid but only if you shrink ask,s :confused:

risperidone it's strange because the doctor I was previously registered too never wanted any tests and was told it was only ones like lithium you need tests for.

I find every three months a bit much.