View Full Version : 1 Month 1 week on seroquel 600mlg for panic Not Working??

22-08-17, 23:29
Hello everybody i have been ob seroquel 600 mlg for 1 month and 1 week and i am still feeling bad,my panic has not been stopped yet, i have been on seroquel before for panic and anxiety and did work , but about 1 year ago i did stopped taking the medication because i was tired of feeling sleepy all day and feeling hungry all the time i did gain 40 pound in 5 years of taking the med, so i stopped taking the medication, i also was taking effexor 300 mlg both medications for anxiety and panic but the medications made me feel very sleepy all day i had to drink tons of coffee a day just to keep up with my work,
anyways, i did stopped the medications totally for about 4 months but i felt like i was scare all the time like i could not even leave my house i was a prisoner in own home, so i decided to go back to my meds i did start with effexor i took it for about 5 months and did not worked at all so i stopped it and did start to take soroquel first 50 mlg for a few weeks did nothing, then i did raise it to 300mlg for 1 month did not work , so now i am on 600 for 2 weeks and 3 days and i am still feeling bad, my panic is not in control at all!, i feel lots of fear just to talk to anybody or go out by my self, i really do not know what to do , i went to my dr, and she prescribed me the 600 a day but like i said i am still feeling bad , very bad, so i do not know if the med maybe would not work on me anymore ? so i want to know if anyone here have been on this situation and had any success ?
I am sorry for my english is terrible..lol