View Full Version : What does this CBC result mean?

23-08-17, 01:13
I went to get my CBC done, and I got my results which are as follows...

Component Results

Component Your Value Standard Range
WBC 6.3 th/mm3 3.9 - 9.1 th/mm3
RBC 4.99 mil/mm3 3.83 - 4.89 mil/mm3
Hemoglobin 14.3 g/dL 11.6 - 14.2 g/dL
Hematocrit 42.5 % 34.9 - 42.2 %
MCV 85.0 fl 84.1 - 94.5 fl
MCH 28.7 pg 27.5 - 31.9 pg
MCHC 33.7 g/dL 32.8 - 34.2 g/dL
Platelets 232 th/mm3 163 - 437 th/mm3
MPV 6.7 fl 5.5 - 9.6 fl
Lymphocytes Relative 26.0 % 17.6 - 48.7 %
Lymphocytes Absolute 1.60 th/mm3 1.00 - 3.10 th/mm3
Monocytes Relative 2.9 % 2.2 - 5.7 %
Monocytes Absolute 0.10 th/mm3 0.10 - 0.30 th/mm3
Grans (Absolute) 4.60 th/mm3 2.00 - 6.50 th/mm3
RDW-CV 12.5 % 11.8 - 15.8 %
Grans 71.1 % 47.3 - 78.5 %

I was told by the doctor that my Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, and RBC were 'high'. When looking up the standard gauges for those three things (for a woman), I fall within the normal range. I was also told by a different doctor that the standard range in this photo is 'inadequate' or incorrect. Just wondering if anyone with experience can fill me in, are my levels high?

au Lait
11-09-17, 19:13
The elevated levels for each range mentioned appear to be slight (assuming that the standard value range listed is correct, which it sounds like it might not be, based on your research and the second doctor's input). It is possible for certain levels to be slightly elevated above the normal range and still not be a cause for concern.

Either way, I'd say that if several doctors looked at your results and neither indicated that there was major cause for concern, then it is fine.

11-01-18, 23:40
Different labs often have different ranges so what looks to low or to high in one lab, may be in normal range for another...

I am not a doctor but all the tests he says are high look only slightly so to me... Your doctor would know best though.