View Full Version : sleep

23-08-17, 10:19
i am on week 12 of sertraline coming up 4 weeks on 150mg. i just cant sleep
its becoming a real problem.is it anxiety causing this or should i be looking at
something else thats causing insomnia

23-08-17, 10:36
Has the sertraline helped you in any ways , or is the med not working. You are on a good dose and at 12 weeks you should be getting your sleep pattern back. Is it now just sleep or are your other problems not helped has well. if not i would be looking at another med/:shades:

23-08-17, 12:35
only on max dose for 22 days

23-08-17, 17:40
only on max dose for 22 days 200mg max dose

23-08-17, 18:16
If they say 4 weeks to get in your system,should I be giving it more time

24-08-17, 09:31
If they say 4 weeks to get in your system,should I be giving it more time

you said 12weeks it should be doing something, if not change meds:wacko:

24-08-17, 10:32
8 weeks on 100mg and 4 weeks on 150mg

24-08-17, 16:44
8 weeks on 100mg and 4 weeks on 150mg

thats plenty of time to see if its a good or bad med. if you dont feel any better in 12 weeks the med is wrong for you:shrug:

24-08-17, 20:23
Been on it for 4 years,went down to 50mg.6 months later anxiety returned

25-08-17, 18:09
Been on it for 4 years,went down to 50mg.6 months later anxiety returned

maybe it wont work now , and you need to try new. Alot think there fine and dont need there meds so the drop or stop taking them, when its the med thats making the well in the first place. I was on Prozac once and thought i didnt need it anymore after 6 months and stopped. 3 weeks later i crashed big time . i went back on Prozac but it nuked me off its Christmas card list never to work again :wacko:

25-08-17, 18:37
Can't even think about starting again.just haven't got anything left

25-08-17, 18:42
Can't even think about starting again.just haven't got anything left

i no the feeling, after 8 med tests in a row i am nuked:wacko:

28-08-17, 09:03
I had bad insomnia for months after I got affected by severe anxiety. Like 5 months with 3 of them severe. Recently and thank god! I've been sleeping great.

It wasn't cured overnight but honestly I think it may have had to do with a chemical imbalance. Not sure what the case is with you but give it some time and you'll find sleep again. I eventually totally let it go, stop caring about sleep. it helped a lot.

Good luck !

28-08-17, 15:30
I become even more anxious and panic

29-08-17, 08:13
I become even more anxious and panic

You're gonna be alright man, :yesyes: keep your head up.