View Full Version : Irrational fear of seizures.

23-08-17, 13:39
Does any one else suffer with the fear they may have epilepsy due to symptoms they have? Its taking over my life I feel almost certain I have temporal lobe epilepsy and I am terrified it brings me to tears daily. Please if there is anyone I could talk to that would be great?

23-08-17, 15:43
Have you ever had a seizure?

Also - not to lessen your problem but my dog has had seizures his entire life. When he was younger he would have them maybe once or twice a year and now they have gotten to about once or twice a month. He has been taking phenobarbital for about 6 months and hasn't had once since.

Even if you had seizures, they are perfectly manageable. If my 8 year old Boston Terrier can get through it, so can you :D

23-08-17, 16:04
Have you ever had a seizure?

Also - not to lessen your problem but my dog has had seizures his entire life. When he was younger he would have them maybe once or twice a year and now they have gotten to about once or twice a month. He has been taking phenobarbital for about 6 months and hasn't had once since.

Even if you had seizures, they are perfectly manageable. If my 8 year old Boston Terrier can get through it, so can you :D

Aw the poor thing! I have never had a seizure no but I fear I will have one soon because of symptoms I have been getting that relate to seizures that you stay completkey aware throughout. Its such a horrible phobia x

23-08-17, 16:30
What are the symptoms you have? Have you ever asked a doctor about them? I'm not a pro on the subject but my thoughts on seizures are that there is no mistaking them.

24-08-17, 06:47
My symptoms are that I remember things randomly without any sort of trigger like I could be sat doing something totally mundane and a dream in had last year could pop in to my head. I've also been getting more deja vu recently. My doctor was not concerned he even said he could confidently rule out epilepsy and my symptoms are common with anxiety when you're mind is over loaded. I have though been refered to a neurologist for pieve of mind. He said hopefully when I get a negative result from them that I can focus on my health anxiety with therapy x

24-08-17, 08:29
Going through the same thing although my symptoms are different than yours. I also worry that all this will lead to a seizure, although my symptoms can also be traced back to my anxiety (like a lot of other symptoms I get), so that gives me a bit of reassurance.

24-08-17, 11:04
What are your symptoms? Xx