View Full Version : Freaking out, again.

23-08-17, 16:33
Hey everybody!

Haven't been here for a while, I was managing my HA alright, but this time im going down a spiral again.

For the last little bit I've been feeling out of it, kind of dizzy when I'm walking around (particularly in a busy place such as a mall)

I am also getting weird head aches all over the place, front, back, sides, etc. My left eye feels weird, like its dry and a preassure-like feeling.

Also, my right hand feels weird. It shakes. When I'm grabbing a pen or chopsticks i can feel the hand shaking slightly, and it gets tired more easily than my left hand. It obviously happens more the more I focus on it.

And now today, I noticed I've got two yellow marks on my skin right above my belly button, they look like old bruises that never turned purple or black... its just yellow. (I do remember feeling pain in that same spot a few days ago, so rationalizing everything that would be the most logical cause correct? Not jaundice?)

So my fears now are: a neurological disease such as parkinsons or something else thats causing the dizzyness and hand symptoms and Jaundice for my "skin" yellow colour.

I'd like someone to help my rationalize all this, because I feel im starting to loose control over my anxiety on this one. Can these symptoms be atributed to a severe case of stress and anxiety?

PD: this has happened to me before during periods of severe stress, and this time around its no different. I had a very stresful week and sure enough the symptoms got exponentially worse.

And btw, I am a 28 year old male

Thank you to whoever takes the time to read this long post!


24-08-17, 01:21
I just need some reassurance, if nothing else

24-08-17, 02:16
My fiancé has shaky hands and it's nothing serious he went to the doctor about it.

I get that space dizzy feeling al the time . I think it's just anxiety

24-08-17, 05:16
My fiancé has shaky hands and it's nothing serious he went to the doctor about it.

I get that space dizzy feeling al the time . I think it's just anxiety

Thank you for taking the time to message! Means a lot!

25-08-17, 04:54
Ive googled.

Yellow skin, problems with your liver. I dont know where these two yellow spots came from. I am shaking of how freaked out I am right now. I hate scheduling drs. Appointments over these things that have no explanation. What should I do? Am I over reacting or should I book an appointment over this?

25-08-17, 08:39
Do you have a pic of the spots

25-08-17, 14:31
Here it is. Its about the size of my thumb

25-08-17, 14:36

No one can tell by looking at a photo on the internet. What you describe are a couple of bruises tbh. Not all bumps and bruises turn black and blue. The symptoms you describe are pretty common anxiety symptoms (derealization, stress, muscle tension and headaches etc.). You're just having a blip is all...

Positive thoughts

25-08-17, 15:10

No one can tell by looking at a photo on the internet. What you describe are a couple of bruises tbh. Not all bumps and bruises turn black and blue. The symptoms you describe are pretty common anxiety symptoms (derealization, stress, muscle tension and headaches etc.). You're just having a blip is all...

Positive thoughts

Thanks fishmanpa. I had a control over my anxiety but clearly i have lost it. Back to therapy i suppose

Thanks again

25-08-17, 15:16
Thanks fishmanpa. I had a control over my anxiety but clearly i have lost it. Back to therapy i suppose

Thanks again

You still do have control but a refresher wouldn't hurt. Try pulling out some of the tools you used before in the mean time. You worked hard to get to where you're at, don't let the dragon win!

Positive thoughts