View Full Version : Skin Pic - Anyone have anything like this?

21-08-17, 21:36
Hi Guys I am back again UGH!!! So I have had this small (the Dr. said it was 3mm) pink spot on my thigh for atleast 8 months. I think it was a bug bite as it was larger and has shrunk over time. Never crusted or bled or changed colors. Anyways I went in today and showed the dermatologist and she looked through it in her dermascope and said it looks like it is a dermatofibroma and that since I am worried about it she will remove it and send it out. I am so petrified now! She told the medical assistant to send it out with the note dermatofibroma on it. She also told me the results should be back in a week and no news is good news and that if she felt it was urgent she would request it be done stat. None of this makes me feel better!!!! I asked her several times if it looked sinister and she said no but WHYYYYYY even take it off then??? Ugh please help me guys! What do you think?

21-08-17, 21:54
I asked her several times if it looked sinister and she said no but WHYYYYYY even take it off then??? Ugh please help me guys! What do you think?

It's called "CYA" (cover your arse) medicine. Fact is, if she dismissed it and sent you home, you'd be wondering if she missed something so I'm sure I'll be saying "Told ya so" when you get the all clear ;)

Positive thoughts

21-08-17, 23:09
Thanks that helps! Would most doctors not say if they were concerned about cancer? I asked if she thought it was sinister and she said no.

22-08-17, 06:32
She took it off because it probably seemed like you were concerned so she figured she could put the worries to rest by going ahead and testing it. i went to have my lymph nodes in my neck examined and even though she wasnt concerned she still sent me for some tests just to help me out because i wouldnt be there if i wasnt concerned so she probably just wanted to ease my mind.

22-08-17, 13:10
I just wish she could say that it was nothing and not send it off!!! Do you think that a doctor says they don't think it's anything sinister and name what they think it is of they think it could be a cancer??

22-08-17, 13:26
You know I'm a survivor. My experience was caution by the doctor. I was treated for a sinus infection/swollen nodes when my journey started. 10 days of antibiotics and a week or two afterwards I go back to the doctor and another stronger round of antibiotics, no change. At that point, my doctor flat out said, he was concerned and off to the ENT who said even prior to the biopsy "This is cancer. We won't know which type until we do the biopsy but I've seen enough to know that it is".

Doctors will put you on the fast track when and if they suspect something serious. That's always been my experience. As I said, had she told you it was nothing and sent you off, I'm 100% sure you'd be here wondering if she blew you off and she missed something. She's doing what every good doctor does (CYA medicine) and I have a "Told ya so" ready for your all clear.

Positive thoughts

22-08-17, 14:59
Thanks so much Fishman! You seriously always help me sooo much! You need to be a counselor for us anxiety nuts!!!

23-08-17, 19:09
Hey There! So as you know I am waiting on biopsy reports and the derm said she thinks it looks like it is a dermafibroma even with her dermascope but removed it to be safe. Well of course I am loosing it here playing the waiting game and just wanted to see what you guys think of the pic I posted? Anyone have anything similar? Was it cancer? I have had it for atleast 8 months and it never grew or changed in anyway but I am petrified. Help!

23-08-17, 19:13

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


23-08-17, 19:15

23-08-17, 19:23
C'mon ChelleB... you know no one can look at a blurry pic and tell you anything. You'll have to wait for the doctors report and as I said, she's practicing CYA medicine. Nothing more.

Positive thoughts

24-08-17, 18:23
So good news no cancer! Just a common skin condition called granuloma annulare that can last a year or two but goes away with a steroid! So happy! Thanks for everyones help!

24-08-17, 18:50
So good news no cancer! Just a common skin condition called granuloma annulare that can last a year or two but goes away with a steroid! So happy! Thanks for everyones help!

Here's your "Told ya so!" ;)

Positive thoughts

05-10-17, 18:37
Thanks so much Fishman! You seriously always help me sooo much! You need to be a counselor for us anxiety nuts!!!

I'll second that , Chelleb1017 :)