View Full Version : my heart rate has been in the 90's all day

23-08-17, 20:33
I have such bad anxiety these days. The doctor has me on medications that seem to help, but then I get a week of "blips" that throw me off track again. My fitbit says my heart rate is 85-95. I did work out this morning and was very emotional after dropping off my first grader for first grade this morning! could that be why I feel so anxious? the doctor put me on Nortriptyline and its not helping the anxiety yet :( Its also a week before that time of the month. Sorry if it too much info guys :)

23-08-17, 20:39
Anxiety does this to me too! On good days my bp is 115/75 but when my anxiety is up it is 135/85. Stupid anxiety! Anything from 60-100 bpm for a heart rate is perfectly acceptable!

23-08-17, 20:42
I don't think it's a good idea to monitor your heart rate/BP unless there is a legitimate medical reason. Otherwise it's just a wonderful source of fuel for your HA no matter how much medication you are on.

23-08-17, 20:45
You both are so right. It's just fueling my anxiety! I put the fit bit in my purse, so no more looking at it for me!

23-08-17, 20:51
Give your medication a chance to work without sabotaging any good effects it may give you by giving in to HA-friendly habits?

23-08-17, 21:13
I have a Fitbit and I find that when the battery is low or the sensors need a bit of a wipe down that the HR reading is way off... it reads a lot higher if I'm hot or dehydrated.. It might be the Fitbit and not you :) I find generally at rest it is accurate, but I do wonder about the numbers sometimes! My HR generally goes back to the 60s and 70s after working out, but one time I remember having an absolute meltdown on the bus home and anxiety over the reading sitting at 103ish..and not coming down! I felt my heart and it wasn't beating as fast as that :doh: also..after charging this morning, it was reading a HR of over 100 without even being on my wrist! Was just walking around with it lol.. Please don't stress yourself about HR. I did this for weeks on end and kept checking the damn thing over and over, driving myself absolutely crazy!

23-08-17, 22:10
My HR is anywhere from 60 to 110 depending on my cycle, anxiety, stress, how I slept, what I ate ect. 90s is completely normal and not tachy and nothing to worry about! I'm at 93 right now

24-08-17, 00:22
Thank you all for your responses. No more fit bit for me! I've become totally obsessed with it and it's totally feeding my anxiety, which is detrimental for my health!

24-08-17, 01:14
When I was on the Nortriptyline, my heart rate was up in that range as well. Before my anxiety returned it was around 60. I phoned my psych and she said they wouldn't be worried unless my resting pulse was up around 130. My pulse for the last two days has been around 95bpm when I wake. This morning it was normal. I know it is difficult when you have anxiety, but try not to worry. Anything between 60 and 100bpm resting is within normal ranges. Even if it stays elevated. I once said to my doctor what if I have a heart attack. She said you don't have a heart attack from your heart beating fast, you have a heart attack from high cholesterol etc. So please try not to worry about it. It is normal, and it is a normal side effect of TCA's. It is scary at first, but you get use to it. I can be walking around and mine will be up around 95 and then when I'm working at the computer it is around 65 to 70. As I said, once your body gets use to the medication, I found it doesn't stay elevated, so give it a few days. I have just done an increase the last few days of Clomipramine and my anxiety is through the roof today. I find usually 3 or 4 days after I increase it peaks and then starts to subside. I have a psych appointment tomorrow so will let you know how I go. Please stay in touch and let me know how you are getting on. If you have any concerns let me know and I will try to help if I can. Take Care and congratulations on your little one starting school. It is an emotional time for lots of mums (even those that don't have anxiety). xx

24-08-17, 08:38
Was your psych happy that you were monitoring your heart rate/BP, Mermaid?

24-08-17, 09:25
And what ...... ? Mine is always around that -sometimes I"ll wake up and it's around 100.
Anxiety 1 0 1 - fast heart beat.....

24-08-17, 14:28
Thank you mermaid. I woke up today a little shaky-- like i'm vibrating inside or something. It goes away after I stretch and get up and start walking around. I don't feel my heart pounding, but I put my fit bit away. I'm hoping we both can feel better soon. I'll keep taking the nortryptyline, unless the side effects don't go away.

07-02-18, 21:46
I had an intense workout today (my first one in a while). I had an anxiety attack after it and my resting heart rate is fluctuating between 90-110. Has anyone else had this. I guess i need some reassurance. I exercised like 5 hours ago and it's still high. I'm always scared. Had to take a xanax to calm down.

On the flip side... i conquered my fear of going to the gym and getting my heart rate up (doctor said i need to go three times a week).


07-02-18, 22:13
My heart rate is always hovering around the 90s. Don't get obsessed with Fitbits, they're a blunt tool to show general fitness. All that is is the slightly higher end of normal, at worst. Room for improvement in your cardio routine, maybe, reason to worry, 100% not.

07-02-18, 23:06
Thank you, Axolotl.

08-02-18, 00:33
Thought i'd chime in to say that my heart rate is rarely under 90 these days as well at rest simply due to GAD. Standing up causes palpitations and it goes over 100 without any effort. My heart will easily go up 30 bpm just from standing up.

Sadly just one of those things we have to put up with, it's unpleasant but it's not harmful since my heart drops to a rather healthy 60 bpm when i'm asleep.

08-02-18, 11:25
Your only true resting heart rate is either a couple of minutes after you wake up (not with anxiety) or when you've been sitting/resting for 20-30 minutes without anxiety. Anything else is NOT a resting heart rate. If you're anxious about your heart rate, you will not have a true resting heart rate.

Mine is anything from 57-68 when I wake up, but usually 75-90 for the rest of the day. Right now it's 79, and I've been sitting at my desk working for a couple of hours. After a big meal it's usually 85-90 and if I have an infection it's usually 85-95. There are so many little factors that can cause your heart rate to be considerably higher than what you think it should be.

05-09-18, 15:34
Hi, I was put on Nortriptyline 25 days ago for severe anxiety I tried Effexsor and gave it a month . Doctor put me on this and I am on 75 mgs did it help you.

---------- Post added at 14:34 ---------- Previous post was at 13:17 ----------

Did nortriptyline help for anxiety I am 25 days in at 75 mgs when did it kick in. I have higher pulse rate according to my fit bit and constipation so I take fiber. Please advice.