View Full Version : Not sure what to do

23-08-17, 22:36
Hello -

Lately I've been having anxiety over some neurological problems, and I am trying to figure out what to do. A large issue I've been having is my memory, it feels like my short-term memory has gotten worse; I can barely recall what was said in a conversation, unless I put full focus into the conversation. It also feels like it's harder to recall long-term memories. I believe my cognitive abilities have gotten worse somewhat, as it takes longer to process things. It feels like my aim and reaction time in first person shooters have both gotten worse (it feels like it just takes more effort than usual to aim at things). It feels like my personality has been affected, things that I was avidly interested in suddenly don't interest me anymore. The other problems are hard to explain, but in general I just feel disorganized and slower mentally. I have completed a few benchmarks on the web-site "Human Benchmark" just out of curiosity, and the results were O.K., but they haven't given me any real reassurance. Here are the results:

- Number Memory: 11 digits
- Reaction Time: 291 ms
- Verbal Memory: 91 points
- Visual Memory: 18,656 points

- Number Memory: 11 digits
- Reaction Time: 245 ms
- Verbal Memory: 67 points
- Visual Memory: 21,870 points

- Number Memory: 11 digits
- Reaction Time: 245 ms
- Verbal Memory: 35 points
- Visual Memory: 10,700

The 6-4-17 results are from before either incident happened. The 7-8-17 results are from around the time of the paint incident. The 8-1-17 is several weeks after both incidents.

I have experienced problems like these before, but they seem more potent right now. I am having some anxiety with the idea that the problems could be stemming from brain damage (which I have personal experience with). If it is indeed brain damage, I have a theory on why I could have it: in the last week of June 2017, my family and I had guests coming over. My mom filled a mop bucket with Clorox bleach, but decided not to mop, so she left the bucket containing the bleach inside the house for about 4-5 hours. Another incident happened in the first or second week of July 2017, in which she left a cup filled with water and latex household paint inside the kitchen sink for at least 12 hours. After the cup had been in the sink for 12 hours, it was left outside near my back door for about 2 weeks (with both the water and paint still inside). The important thing about these two incidents is that the windows were all closed and the A/C was on, when both occurred.

Something important to include is that there lives in the same house as I, two children (one is 1 year old and one is about 2 months old), as well as my mom and sister. I'm trying to figure out if the two incidents could have somehow damaged me, and is it possible that anybody else inside my house could have been damaged in any way? I am unsure of whether or not my symptoms are indeed due to the incidents or not, however, I strongly believe they very well could be. If my problems are not linked to the incidents, then I'm not really sure what I would do. As I said above, I know what brain damage feels like and I have a feeling this is what I am experiencing. If there's any way I can do anything to really help myself, that would be great. Should I confront my mom about it and seek some type of help, or not do anything? As said in the first paragraph, I am having a lot of anxiety about this and it would be nice to have some relief.