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24-08-17, 07:11

IT all started a little over a week ago.

I was having a very hard time sleeping and kept tossing and turning.

Finally, just as I was falling asleep, I woke up to what felt like something had bit my foot at 2 am.

I kicked my foot around a bit and felt my husbands foot and just fell back to sleep without looking.

The next day I checked around, even looked at my foot, and didnt see anything. All of a sudden it hit me, I had read about bats before.. what if I got bit by a bat in my sleep and didn't know.. and worse yet.. what if the bat had rabies? I've heard that many times people don't know when they have been bitten and there is no proof because their teeth are so sharp and small. There is a small tiny hole that a cable guy drilled for us to get cable in our back room... so I instantly thought it came out of there.. however when I checked the hole, it was completely crosshaired with cobwebs... no way that if something came through those would regenerate a few hours later ( I know this cause I removed them a week ago.. and the hole is still clean with no webs)

I searched around but found nothing... Now, I live in Southern California.. a fairly populated urban area, but our apartments are more in a "wooded" tree canopy area.. I have never seen bats here.. we have parrots, raccoons, opossums, crawfish, hummingbirds.. but I've never seen bats when walking out at night. However somehow I worked myself into believing that somehow someway one got into our house, into my bed, bit me and now I'm going to die. Nevermind the fact I haven't found it. Nevermind the fact my cat sleeps in the room with us, nevermind the fact that our whole house is sealed.. or so I think, it came in..

Anyway, since last week I started to experience tingling in my foot, sometimes what felt like it was colder than my other foot. Starting yesterday I got super fatigued and feel like a head cold is coming on in my throat. This morning I woke up and haven't been fatigued, but feel like I'm on the brink of a head cold... i've pretty much worked myself up to think its rabies. My throat has been tight all day, and I feel itchy/tingly in my throat.

Now, I've been to urgent care ( who have never seen a bat and don't even know what bites look like- again Southern California) I also visited my dermatologist, who said that what I thought might be a bite is nothing.. and that she sees nothing...

And finally- I went to my vet.. cause maybe they would know what a bat bite looks like... she laughed at me ( with compassion ) and said highly highly doubtable.

Getting in to a counselor next week, but for now, any compassion and encouragement would be welcomed and highly appreciated!!

24-08-17, 11:49
Sounds like you've had all the answers you need. They might not recognise a bat bite, but they sure as hell don't mess about with rabies. You're going for counselling, so you're on the right track.

The rabies fear crops up all the time on here, but I've never once seen a post where I thought "yeah, this person's in trouble". It's always completely irrational. I'm willing to bet nobody on NMP ever gets rabies.

24-08-17, 13:59
Stop checking your body for symptoms. The more you look the more you will find something. Anx can cause physical symtoms, tingling etc. The more you work yourself up, the more you will get anxiety symptoms, which you will attribute to rabies because that's your mindset at the moment.

Perhaps no one can see a bite because there's none there. Perhaps it was your husbands foot (toenail) touching you. I've never seen an invisible bite, there's akways a skin reaction somewhere.

25-08-17, 05:09
Thanks guys... I've been able to manage/handle it a little more in the past two day... my throat feels tight and I have this weird tingling.. but I think its from allergies/my sinuses... at least thats what I keep telling myself..

I know the rabies things comes up... this is the 5th time Ive "had" it...:blush:

25-08-17, 07:32
I really feel for you, Rabies is one of my HA fears and I live in the UK where it's non existent!
Do a search on my posts where I've had similar fears to what you are describing and it's all based around bats!!
My husband used to joke that Bats were like ninjas because in my head they got in and out without being seen and managed to bite me.
It won't be a bat bite, deep down you know that but your anxiety is taking over. Honestly search my previous posts on Rabies there's been a few!! It might give you a laugh and also reassure you a bit.

25-08-17, 20:53
Hey Girl!

Thank you so much! i'm going to go search now... at least you guys don't have it in the UK!

25-08-17, 21:34
We still have it in bats, I believe. But in the US it's so rare you may as well call it eradicated.

05-09-17, 02:32
Guys I just can't shake this...

I was fine for a few days, and then this anxiety reared its ugly head with a vengeance again! I started becoming really tight in the chest and short of breath... almost like someone was squeezing my throats and sitting on my chest!

I went to dr for refill ok gerd medication as I went off it for about a week- only been on it 5 days now but this feeling keeps coming back more often than not...
Itchy throat-- feels like someone's grabbing my neck- and sitting on my chest... out of breath when I walk...

I can't help but think it's rabies, and the symptoms are developing...

I made the mistake of going online again and reading something about a bat coming in biting and leaving whilen I was sleeping....ugh I'm so tired of this!

Please help!

05-09-17, 06:19
I guarantee you don't have rabies. You weren't even bitten by a bat. You know how you can feel like you've fallen when you're asleep and you wake up suddenly? Maybe this was some kind of weird variation on that. Or your husband's toenail. Or, like, anything but an invisible bat. From the outside, this seems crazy. Try to realize that if you can.

05-09-17, 11:24
One thing to be said about all those multiple rabies threads - they are creative. Having HA makes you very capable of making up nightmare scenarios. We should use that creativity for other purposes.

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 ----------

Guys I just can't shake this...

I was fine for a few days, and then this anxiety reared its ugly head with a vengeance again! I started becoming really tight in the chest and short of breath... almost like someone was squeezing my throats and sitting on my chest!

I went to dr for refill ok gerd medication as I went off it for about a week- only been on it 5 days now but this feeling keeps coming back more often than not...
Itchy throat-- feels like someone's grabbing my neck- and sitting on my chest... out of breath when I walk...

I can't help but think it's rabies, and the symptoms are developing...

I made the mistake of going online again and reading something about a bat coming in biting and leaving whilen I was sleeping....ugh I'm so tired of this!

Please help!

I had a rabies scare in 2003 and I never forgot what a doctor told me: "if you had rabies you would not be able to sit here and talk to me."
Damned right! And you would not be able to sit on the Internet and write that you think you have rabies.

07-09-17, 18:41
I know- I know- I agree with all of you!

I'm a photographer.... I'm super creative lol for both the positive... and negative... ��

The thing is- I start to get better mentally and then some physical symptom will happen and it triggers it...

Just this morning I decided to relax with music and deep breathe- I was feeling fine.. until a few minutes later after making lunch I started to feel very shaky and like every muscle was gonna start shaking at any moment... I know I know- anxiety.... but how do I not fall into the trap of steering tonworry again when I feel symptoms?

And then, out of nowhere I remembered that the night before I was shooting out in a grassy field up to my knees in a state park that is know as being a bat sanctuary.... so now my brain created a scenario that I brought one home with me when I set my bag down... I know... crazy- but I can't stop my brain from thinking!

07-09-17, 18:50
It's not about stopping your brain from thinking. I'm not a fan of trying to suppress thoughts. It's about how you react to those thoughts. What you need to work on is how you react to your irrational thoughts. Do you ever do anything to counter them? Do you challenge them with rational alternatives?

07-09-17, 22:34
The rabies reassurance has been done to death in here many times so instead of posting reassurance I link to a thread I started recently which tells pretty much everything there is to say about this:

08-09-17, 01:27
Server Error:

Yes, I will either try to logically tell myself how my feelings arnt logical by working through them and why I feel them and what the other alternatives are.... last night I just journaled the whole thing.. and wrote down what I thought as well as the myriad of other options it could have been.. but then this morning when I wake up and feel super jittery and out of it all day, its hard to not think the worst when your body is feeling bad.

Paranoid Viking:
I get it.. you've seen it a lot on here, but then I know how real you know that this can feel, i respect your words and value them.. but sometimes empathy can help too...:/

08-09-17, 02:03
its hard to not think the worst when your body is feeling bad./

This is the same roadblock I see people put up all the time. "Yes, I'll try and do it, but it's hard." And then they don't really try. Or if they do, they give up and then get annoyed with you for suggesting they need to keep on trying if they want to get better.

The fact something is hard does not mean you shouldn't keep trying. I mean really trying. You have to give this everything you've got. You'll have ups and downs, but if you're interested in a genuine recovery and a brighter life (as opposed to temporary reassurance) you have to keep going, keep trying, and keep believing. You'll thanks yourself for it one day.

08-09-17, 04:48
Right.. I undersand that, I'm not saying it's impossible.. I'm saying it's very hard.. especially sometimes when I feel all alone. I have been going to counseling, and I keep trying to keep myself calm... but there are moments when it's hard and I feel myself going into a pit no matter how hard I try.

All that I'm saying is are there any tips for getting the mind out of the cycle..

If for example, I feel super fatigued ( tired) and like I'm going to start panicking... yes I can deep breath, yes I can be logical... but what happens when the symptoms ( though they might be in my head) seem to much to handle?

08-09-17, 04:56
All you can really do in that situation is fall back on what you know about the symptoms: that you've survived panic every time before, that nobody ever died from panic, and that it's actually a protection mechanism.

Then you just have to do your best to stay calm and let the storm pass. It always passes. There's not much else you can do. If you're prescribed anxiety medication you can take that, but it's not a long-term option.

I do understand what you're going through. I've been there too.

08-09-17, 06:56
yes I know.

I do not agree with taking medication. I think some people need it, but for me, I need to work on fixing the root of the problem, not masking it with drugs. No judgement on people who choose to, but I don't believe that is the best option for me..

Thanks for the encouragement!

08-09-17, 07:59

Paranoid Viking:
I get it.. you've seen it a lot on here, but then I know how real you know that this can feel, i respect your words and value them.. but sometimes empathy can help too...:/

I have empathy. I have been where you are myself. Walking around fearing and folling yourself into believing you have rabies is horryfying; I know how it feels; I have felt it in the past. But. It is also STUPID. Sorry to be driect, but fearing that you have rabies for "invisible bat bites" or whtever it is IS stupid. And it goes agains every possible rational thinking. For anyone viewing it from the outside it is irrational. I was caught in a cycle of rabies fear in 2003 and it was stupid of me. And you should realise that your fear is stupid too. You are waisting valuable and wonderful times of your life with this and it is out of empathy I am telling this to you.
I wish today that I could have that year back that I was waisting on fearing rabies.

09-09-17, 17:49
Paranoid Viking..

Did you have what looked like a bit or subtle symptoms when you went through your scare?
When this all started I had two spots on my foot side by side- they measured 1.2 cm in distance...and sometimes my mind goes back to that...they are mostly faded and gone now but still slightly there.

Also- did you have symptoms? "Tingling/ weird sensations" around where you thought bite was? Spasms randomly, a tight throat? Fatigue? Pains in the throat... scratchy throat, or no...?

I'm honestly just curious of your experience...

09-09-17, 18:50
Paranoid Viking..

Did you have what looked like a bit or subtle symptoms when you went through your scare?
When this all started I had two spots on my foot side by side- they measured 1.2 cm in distance...and sometimes my mind goes back to that...they are mostly faded and gone now but still slightly there.

Also- did you have symptoms? "Tingling/ weird sensations" around where you thought bite was? Spasms randomly, a tight throat? Fatigue? Pains in the throat... scratchy throat, or no...?

I'm honestly just curious of your experience...

I had ALL of them and more than you can ever imagine. I also got the feeling that "OMG now I am scared of water" and a false feeling of being unable to swallow - when the mind convince you something is wrong you get the feeling something is wrong.
Spasms randomly often happens as a result of anxiety; like twitching in the eye lid. And tight throat? That is a MAJOR anxiety symptom.

But it was 14 years ago; it all felt very real; but it was all in my head and the brain produces a lot of "symptoms". Again, if you had rabies you would not be able to sit and write all this on a message foru,. You should read the thread by LavenderRain from last year; there you see how far it can go into making yourself believe you are dying of rabies. She came to her sense in the end but i recommend you read it. Unfortunately I dod not made a diary back in 2003 of my experience but that thread may be very helpful.

09-09-17, 19:12
Yes, I actually did read through hers.... it was a lot lol.. I watched the whole thing..

See I go in and out.. one day I worry a lot, one day its not as much.. it never inhibits me from going out and socializing... but it does take over my mind and distract.

I do agree that I wouldn't be able to sit and type ... but I think what my mind thinks is.. uh oh this is the beginning... like the tingling/prickling feeling which is now in my arms is "it spreading" or beginning stages... thats what my mind tries to reason.. :/

I do have sinus issues, so I know that this can contribute to all kinds of weird/pressure feelings in my face... it's just hard to not go back to that kind of thinking when symptoms come up... they typically are worse at night, I get very fatgued.. :/

I do agree with you, live is too short, and it is stupid... but unfortunately the irrational part of my mind is in high gear right now.. and I know that.. I'm doing everything to stop it, but it can only be hindered so much!

09-09-17, 19:56
One thing that helped me when I had a rabies panic was just realizing- BRAVO rabies virus! If all of those ridiculous scenarios- in my case, raccoon saliva being left in my car (don't ask), virus jumping from steering wheel to open cut, traveling unnoticed in my blood stream all the way to my brain, and causing like one of the rarest of the rare causes of death in the modern world, well, then I just had to pat rabies on the back for its moxie.

That kind of snapped me out my fear and made me realize it's actually pretty hard to kill a human being! We are hearty as all get out and absolutely EVERYWHERE. WE dominate over Earth (and I'm not saying this is a good thing) and a virus really does have an extraordinary uphill battle for survival.

And, yes, it is the law of nature that if you fear a disease, you will immediately be stricken with its symptoms. It happens every time. At least you are armed with information and can explain to a health care professional if the symptoms got bad, and out of the realm of normal sickness.

I'm sorry you're going through this. Rabies is the worst, but you really don't have it, esp without a real exposure.

09-09-17, 21:34
I know... when you say it that way it really does seem like a movie.

I think the thread that keeps hanging on for me is I read a story of a bat getting into someones bed, they had screens on every window, no holes and no animals..

So now because I woke up in the middle of the night almost 4 weeks ago now.. feeling like something bit me...

and having two spots next to each other.. its hard for me to not remember the story of that woman with the bat in her bed :mad:

09-09-17, 22:33
What I see is your anxiety, despite hanging over a cliff with only one finger, is hanging on with every shred of strength is has over you.

As with EVERY rabies fear thread I've ever read here, the level of pure fiction is absolutely astounding.

Positive thoughts

10-09-17, 03:04
yes... I know.. I'm trying my best.. its just doubly hard in the moments when I don't feel well :mad:

10-09-17, 16:47
Feeling a little better today- but feeling tingling/ pin prick like sensations in arms and feet on one side... is this a symptom of anxiety?

10-09-17, 17:36
Feeling a little better today- but feeling tingling/ pin prick like sensations in arms and feet on one side... is this a symptom of anxiety?

Have a read of the symptoms article on the main site and then come back to this question and tell us what you now think. It's crucial to getting past all this that you understand and accept what can be anxiety. The more you challenge your thoughts & behaviours, accept triggers, etc the more you escape axniety over time as your subconscious will learn from seeing your not respond with fear to what it throws at you.

---------- Post added at 17:19 ---------- Previous post was at 17:15 ----------

I know... when you say it that way it really does seem like a movie.

I think the thread that keeps hanging on for me is I read a story of a bat getting into someones bed, they had screens on every window, no holes and no animals..

So now because I woke up in the middle of the night almost 4 weeks ago now.. feeling like something bit me...

and having two spots next to each other.. its hard for me to not remember the story of that woman with the bat in her bed :mad:

There is always the rare & weird out there. But why do they bother HAers, in the case of health, and not others? Through recovery work you can read that story and think "oh well, things happen as life comes with only one guarantee (and taxes :mad:) but anyway back on with the X, Y, Z I was doing".

I can remember having intrusive thoughts when I was out walking about acid attacks. They would come as I came to a concealed corner. but why would some random stranger do it to me? Yet there have been cases of wrong identity in acid attacks (poor people, and anyone who experiences something so terrible) so my subconscious can always say "ah, but what about that guy that opened his front door and was attacked because the numpties got the wrong address?".

So, why would a bat purposely fly in and buit someone? Bat like chomping down on fruit or moths.

Funnily enough 2ome forms of therapy work to reprocess memories via film methods. It helps you reframe your feelings & thoughts. PTSD, for instance.

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:19 ----------

See I go in and out.. one day I worry a lot, one day its not as much.. it never inhibits me from going out and socializing... but it does take over my mind and distract.

Isn't that the bigest clue to this being anxiety? If you thought you had a life threatening illness, would you worry less some days or would you be chasin for a diagnosis?

I do agree that I wouldn't be able to sit and type ... but I think what my mind thinks is.. uh oh this is the beginning... like the tingling/prickling feeling which is now in my arms is "it spreading" or beginning stages... thats what my mind tries to reason.. :/

Trigger>subconscious thought>conscious thought>panic.

One is just incoming date.

Two is something you can only change through the subconscious learning the conscious mind doesn't core i.e. change core beleiefs.

Three you have more control of and can work on with an aim towards changing two and lessening the impact of one (but it's hard and there are always many wobbles as well as negative thoughts piggybacking your efforts to be positive/neutral).

And four will change as you get more of a grip on three and start to influence two.

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

WE dominate over Earth

Yeah, but bloody lions never listen to common sense. :winks:

10-09-17, 18:28
I did some internet checking on rabies, I read that you have more of a chance catching leprosy then rabies. If you had a bat in your house you would have known it.. Get these thoughts out of your head and enjoy life. Focus on what is in front of you, push the past back to where it belongs and life in the moment.

10-09-17, 18:36
Here I'll tell you my story.
Last Friday I woke up to a rash on my neck my I,stang thought was a bat and rabies.
Monday I went to the doctor all freaked out.
That's not a bite at all. That's shingles.
Shingles... But... No it's shingles.
I still didn't Belo e him tore my whole house apart.
Looked for every hole crack anything. I found rat poop.
But but bat poop... Still looked went into the attac crawl spaces. No bats nor bat poop.
Panicked some more then looked for any entry into my house... Nothing...
Anxiety makes everything very difficult and co,plenty illogical.

10-09-17, 22:42
Thank you all for your enouragement and positive feedback, im reading and rereading everything you are saying and trying to do some CBT worksheets and pray as well..

I have some tingling/pricking today on my right side arms and legs.... but trying to ignore it!

11-09-17, 21:17
Overall feeling better and less anxious today... but I find myself having sensitivity to light... has your guys anxiety ever caused that to happen? Like when you first go out in the bright sun... except for me it hurts all the time? Especially in bright light?

au Lait
11-09-17, 22:21
^ Yep. Anxiety can cause light sensitivity too.

12-09-17, 03:11
�� overall I've been less anxious today... but I still feel symptoms even when not thinking about it..from experience how long have you guys had that happen... like the lingering physical effects of anxiety even when your brain wasn't thinking it?

12-09-17, 21:13
It's rearing its ugly head again today ���� I feel tingling / numbness near where I felt bite... and my throat feels like someone is choking me... I just don't know how to shake the fact that I didn't get bit in my sleep...especially cause I saw two holes about 1.3cm apart from such other.. but urgent care told me they didn't know what it was- and too far apart to be bat... it's now been 4 weeks and marks are very faint...even if I wanted to show dr I couldn't...

au Lait
12-09-17, 21:31
Physical symptoms of anxiety can last for a long long time after the panic has subsided. For me, I'm pretty much always experiencing physical anxiety symptoms nowadays. If you have frequent panic attacks, then you will likely experience physically symptoms most of the time. This is the body's normal response to stress and nothing to worry about. It takes the body a long time to recover from the fight or flight response, and even longer when our fight or flight response is in overdrive.

The hard part for people like us with health anxiety is to make sure that we remind ourselves that the sensations we feel are only due to anxiety and nothing more.

All the feelings you are describing are directly related to anxiety.

13-09-17, 03:29
:/ I know.... I just came out of a 3 month bout of adrenal fatigue! This just feels so real and I'm afraid :/

20-09-17, 02:21
Okay, so glad to say I've been feeling better and less anxious for the past week... but today I've had some tingling/prickling in my legs/feet... and some muscle spasms in my arms...

Do you guys think this is still anxiety? I seriously haven't even been thinking about this the last week, my anxiety calmed down a lot-but now these physical things are starting my brain again!!

au Lait
20-09-17, 02:23
It's just anxiety. You're doing really well. :) Keep staying strong!

20-09-17, 02:56
It doesn't matter what we think, it matters what you think. It's important you review what has been said, what symptoms are known in anxiety and then put your conscious mind to believing that's all it is.

20-09-17, 16:51
Thanks guys..uhh I'm fighting so hard again :mad: