View Full Version : Can staying up affect your anxiety?

24-08-17, 07:25
Hello, all! Evening. :)

I'm sorry if this is getting out of hand or irritating.
But I just want to ask this question. I know I haven't been listening to myself about getting some rest and yes, I keep staying up lol.
Stupid thoughts and anxiety, it sucks. I'm feeling so moody and irritable. But my mood changes (here and there) like happy to sad to mad. Yeah.
Anyways, I had this ongoing dizziness feeling like I'm moving or things are moving. I accept it as one of the symptoms of anxiety. I wasn't anxious or anything. Just this dizziness is making me feel like I'm going to pass out or tilting over? And then, I have a phobia of going inside places like stores, malls? I had trouble breathing and kept pausing my breath then breathing again. It made my heart beat a little faster, almost about to faint but ran out of the store to get fresh air, still going.

Can staying up/lack of sleep affect your anxiety? Make it worse? Happen frequently? (Once again, I apologize if I talk about this a lot. Still have an ongoing fear of having seizures/fainting)

Please help me. I hate feeling this way. Anxiety sucks.

Deanna J.

24-08-17, 11:09
Hi, yes lack of sleep can make your anxiety so much worse. I'm a terrible insomniac - I usually get about 3 hours of sleep a night. I find the difference in my anxiety levels on the rare occasion I sleep more than that actually quite upsetting as the difference is so great with more sleep. If you're not sleeping out of choice by staying up late, I'd encourage you to get more sleep. It can make a huge difference to your anxiety levels. The dizzy/moving sensations you describe are very much anxiety but can be made worse by lack of sleep. Or lack of sleep is enough to create those sensations on its own for someone without anxiety.

24-08-17, 15:30
Absolutely it can. I need my sleep or I am really on edge the next day. If you can, don't stay up all night, try to set a regular bedtime, mines 11pm. But please stop the stopping up, it plays havoc with your anxiety.

24-08-17, 16:07
Absolutely. I'm pretty much set for a panic or anxiety attack if I sleep less than 5-6 hours.

24-08-17, 16:43
Remind me... have you spoken to your parents about your anxiety or getting any professional help?

Positive thoughts

25-08-17, 04:22
Remind me... have you spoken to your parents about your anxiety or getting any professional help?

Positive thoughts

Yes, you said you were going to look into therapy several weeks ago, when we last spoke.