View Full Version : I need to go overseas

04-06-07, 13:03

A few months ago, I got married to a Peruvian girl. Now, she has had her visa rejected by the Home Office here in the UK. She's been told she needs to go home to Peru as soon as possible. Unless we get the decision overturned - which i very much doubt - she will be leaving and i will be going with her. It's worrying me a lot because of my anxiety. The travelling to such a far away country will be extremely difficult, with the busy airports, the flight, etc. Also things like being in a strange country, not speaking the language, will be difficult too - as well as the financial problems i will have to get there and stay there. We'll probably be living there for 6 months to 1 year and i doubt very much that the UK Benefits Agency will keep paying me!!

I've been trying as much as possible to get myself as well as i can healthwise, but it's hard to do so in such a short space of time.

Does anyone have any suggestions, particularly with the actual travelling part? I thought maybe taking a sleeping pill during the flight, but that won't help me at the airports. What else can i do?



04-06-07, 13:36
Most GPs are happy to give a few valium or such to help people with flying etc

Love joy

04-06-07, 16:12
Hi there

Personally, I have taken diazepam for flying before on advice from my doctor. My new doctor says that beta blockers can be useful too as they are non-addictive and reduce palpitations and other symptoms of anxiety as they dampen the responses of your body so it is unable to react so much.

My doctor is great with advice for things which help with travelling, including flying. My advice would be to see your doctor, they may be able to help if you tell them the whole story. Or at least point you in the right direction.

Good luck, Hope this helps.