View Full Version : My story - so far

24-08-17, 14:01
Hi all, I'm now to the forum, so just wanted to share my story - might be a bit long!

I'm am (was) a reasonably fit 42 y/o male until a few months back - where all my issues started. I have had some health problems in the past (chostochondritis, rhinoplasty, knee surgery, ectopic heart beat etc), but the last few months have been difficult to say the least.

I was out walking our 2 dogs in early June, on the field behind our house, when I looked down to see blood trickling down my right leg (I had shorts on) and, what I'm assuming, was a tick, merrily chomping down on my calf. I knocked it off, and thought nothing of it. 2 days later, the lymph node in my right groin swelled and was tender, alongside my leg which had swelled. Cue Dr Google - I convinced myself I had Hodgkins and it was game over. So, buckling up my courage (and pants) I went to the doctor, who took one look and said, "yup, you've an infection". Panic over I thought, until she then remarked "ooh - that's not what I was expecting - can you cough please?". She prodded and poked, and sent me off for an urgent ultrasound, which sent me into full blown panic mode. Cue ultrasound 2 weeks later, and they confirmed a direct inguinal hernia (right side). "Great, a diagnosis" I thought. So reasonably happy, off I went. Played football, and felt a twinge, so went to my (family friendly) phsyio, explained what had happened, and he thought Gilmores Groin, so did the test ( I won't go into detail suffice to say it's uncomfortable, invasive and unpleasant - if you're curious Google "palpate superficial inguinal ring" but if you're a man - be prepared) and advised me to go to a Groin specialist to confirmthat same day. Again, off I went, only for him to do the same test, and hit me with "it's not the hernia on your right you should be concerned about, its the bigger one on your left!". Cue jaw drop and astonishment.

Of course, I was in full blown anxiety/stress mode now, and even though I have private medical insurance, couldn't, even though I should've, got it done straight away due to needing to be in Germany for 3 weeks training. That 3 weeks was terrible. Stomach cramps, bloating - I had myself convinced I was on my way out. I googlednosed everything from MS to stomach, colorectal, liver, pancreatitic, lymphoma, cancers, to alopecia, torsion of the testicles - you name it. Thankfully, I survived, and had surgery 2 weeks ago (open incision, both sides, non-mesh repair), which has been slow and awkward to recover from as I've an egg sized hematoma under one of the incisions, but I am healing (I'll spare you the swelling and discolouration descriptions and areas).

So now, here a I am with nothing but time on my hands, and all my old problems have reoccured. Constant stomach aches and pains, varying from place to place - dull, sharp, gnawing, and constant worry and anxiety that there's something wrong. I plucked up the courage to go to the doctors on Monday gone (family friend) and he asked what was wrong, and basically said - it's all in your mind - you're stressed from surgery, you're anxious and nervouss and you've probably got IBS. He ordered a full blood workup - heamaglobin levels, full blood count, bone profile, U&E, liver function, serum levels, etc. Also, checking for H.Pylori, Lyme disease, Cytomegalovirus, and Toxoplasma tests - to in his words "do a full MOT and put my mind at rest).

The first lot have came back in - only a very slightly high ferritin level, but the rest absolutely fine. Still waiting on the pathology tests - will keep you updated. I still have the gnawing, discomfort, pains, but at least I'm now a bit more confident there's nothing seriously wrong with me.

It's so hard, the mind and brain are incredibly complex and have shown their ugly side with me. I used to be easy going, no worries, live life to the full, but we are our own worst enemies (well maybe google too...)

24-08-17, 22:13
saw the video , ouch!!!! you had that done? i'm sure from what you described you are fine. nothing deadly or even serious.

24-08-17, 22:29
I did indeed have that done - twice in the same day!

24-08-17, 23:28
Hi all, I'm now to the forum, so just wanted to share my story - might be a bit long!

I'm am (was) a reasonably fit 42 y/o male until a few months back - where all my issues started. I have had some health problems in the past (chostochondritis, rhinoplasty, knee surgery, ectopic heart beat etc), but the last few months have been difficult to say the least.

I was out walking our 2 dogs in early June, on the field behind our house, when I looked down to see blood trickling down my right leg (I had shorts on) and, what I'm assuming, was a tick, merrily chomping down on my calf. I knocked it off, and thought nothing of it. 2 days later, the lymph node in my right groin swelled and was tender, alongside my leg which had swelled. Cue Dr Google - I convinced myself I had Hodgkins and it was game over. So, buckling up my courage (and pants) I went to the doctor, who took one look and said, "yup, you've an infection". Panic over I thought, until she then remarked "ooh - that's not what I was expecting - can you cough please?". She prodded and poked, and sent me off for an urgent ultrasound, which sent me into full blown panic mode. Cue ultrasound 2 weeks later, and they confirmed a direct inguinal hernia (right side). "Great, a diagnosis" I thought. So reasonably happy, off I went. Played football, and felt a twinge, so went to my (family friendly) phsyio, explained what had happened, and he thought Gilmores Groin, so did the test ( I won't go into detail suffice to say it's uncomfortable, invasive and unpleasant - if you're curious Google "palpate superficial inguinal ring" but if you're a man - be prepared) and advised me to go to a Groin specialist to confirmthat same day. Again, off I went, only for him to do the same test, and hit me with "it's not the hernia on your right you should be concerned about, its the bigger one on your left!". Cue jaw drop and astonishment.

Of course, I was in full blown anxiety/stress mode now, and even though I have private medical insurance, couldn't, even though I should've, got it done straight away due to needing to be in Germany for 3 weeks training. That 3 weeks was terrible. Stomach cramps, bloating - I had myself convinced I was on my way out. I googlednosed everything from MS to stomach, colorectal, liver, pancreatitic, lymphoma, cancers, to alopecia, torsion of the testicles - you name it. Thankfully, I survived, and had surgery 2 weeks ago (open incision, both sides, non-mesh repair), which has been slow and awkward to recover from as I've an egg sized hematoma under one of the incisions, but I am healing (I'll spare you the swelling and discolouration descriptions and areas).

So now, here a I am with nothing but time on my hands, and all my old problems have reoccured. Constant stomach aches and pains, varying from place to place - dull, sharp, gnawing, and constant worry and anxiety that there's something wrong. I plucked up the courage to go to the doctors on Monday gone (family friend) and he asked what was wrong, and basically said - it's all in your mind - you're stressed from surgery, you're anxious and nervouss and you've probably got IBS. He ordered a full blood workup - heamaglobin levels, full blood count, bone profile, U&E, liver function, serum levels, etc. Also, checking for H.Pylori, Lyme disease, Cytomegalovirus, and Toxoplasma tests - to in his words "do a full MOT and put my mind at rest).

The first lot have came back in - only a very slightly high ferritin level, but the rest absolutely fine. Still waiting on the pathology tests - will keep you updated. I still have the gnawing, discomfort, pains, but at least I'm now a bit more confident there's nothing seriously wrong with me.

It's so hard, the mind and brain are incredibly complex and have shown their ugly side with me. I used to be easy going, no worries, live life to the full, but we are our own worst enemies (well maybe google too...)

So sorry to hear what has happened to you.

25-08-17, 12:30
Thanks - just a quick update - most of the pathology tests have come back, and all are fine (Lyme disease,CMV, toxaplasma). Just waiting on the H.Pylori now!