View Full Version : SO many BRAIN TUMOR symptoms

24-08-17, 14:46
I have a history of thyroid disease, but numbers have been relatively normal lately. In the last 6 months I had one doctor say Hashimoto's and another say Grave's Disease. So I am at a loss there, but I really feel like even though my doctor told me yesterday my thyroid levels look great, that it really is acting up again because of all of these symptoms I have been having. Honestly, I was really looking for her to reassure me that all of these symptoms are from my thyroid being wonky so when she said everything looked great, it was actually very worrisome because i Wanted to be able to attribute my symptoms to my thyroid. So here is a rundown -

Thyroid went haywire two years ago and had a multitude of symptoms:
Extreme fatigue
Tremor, specifically left hand
Dropping things, felt weak
Shaky legs
Muscle fatigue

I had an MRI TWO YEARS AGO because I was freaked out at the time that it was due to a brain tumor or MS. It was NORMAL. Thyroid levels were all off and ultrasound showed either hashimoto's or grave's disease.

Now, for the last 9 months I have been experiencing intermittent brain fog, back in the spring I was messing up my words and couldnt remember anything for a few weeks and then it went away, fatigue, depression has been bad, brisk reflexes, headaches that come and go.

For the past FEW WEEKS, I had:
-Jerking while falling asleep
-Intermittent tingling that starts on entire left side of body and moves all over
-Pins and needles/Itching
-Tripping up on my words again (I dont THINK I'm slurring, more messing up my words or unable to remember the right word in the moment)
-Clumsiness, dropping or missing things if I'm not paying attention
-Brain fog

I'm trying to tell myself this is all from my thyroid but yesterday doctor said because my levels all looked good, it could be anxiety and that I should see a neurologist to get better answers. I asked her if she thought I should see one because she thought something was wrong and she said "No, for your reassurance." She didn't officially refer me but said she thinks I should see one. She wasn't especially reassuring though, I was kind of confused by what she really thought. When I asked her if SHE could send me for an MRI she said a neurologist would have to do it. When these new symptoms started a couple of weeks ago - the clumsiness and dropping things, messed up speech - I wasn't anxious at all!!! And some of these things come and go, but its the combination of ALL of them at the moment that I'm freaking out about.

We have a beach vacation coming up with our two year old and 5 year old and I so just wanted some more reassurance from my doctor so I could really breathe and enjoy what's coming up. But now, I have an appointment with a neurologist in two weeks that I get to worry about!!! AND possibly any tests he wants to do after that that I get to panic about. :(

Everyone here has always been so encouraging and reassuring. Please help. I'm one lost and scared mama right now. Thanks and God bless.

24-08-17, 20:48
I can't comment on all your symptoms, but I know this one "Jerking while falling asleep" seems anxiety related. When my anxiety is heightened, I do this a lot. I think it's called "hypnic jerk" and seems to exacerbate anxiety, and anxiety seems to exacerbate them as well.

Have you been getting sufficient amounts and quality of sleep/rest? Maybe the anxiety has caused you to not sleep well, which could probably bring on a number of your symptoms.

25-08-17, 14:44
I have been getting decent sleep lately because I compensate for my restlessness in the early hours of the morning by going to bed earlier in the evening. It's the intermittent tingling, clumsiness and tripping up on my words that's disturbing me. :(

Catherine S
25-08-17, 15:55
Whether your thyroid is under or overactive alot of the symptoms can overlap for both conditions, and sometimes its a fine line between them, which is why it can be difficult to get the right dose of the meds. I have an underactive thyroid and have recently had my medication. ..levothyroxine. ..increased from 50 to 75mg.

The difference in just those extra 25mgs has been quite surprising, because to be honest, 7 years of no improvement on 50mgs and doctor telling me my blood results were always fine, it's good to finally start feeling normal again.

Common symptoms of low thyroid function include fatigue and weakness, palpitations, forgetfulness and brain fog, itchy skin prone to rashes, weight gain ...the list can be endless as your body slows down. On the plus side the hairs on my legs and underarms stopped growing...yaay, but are now growing back again...shame!

It also depends on what your doctor considers to be a normal reading or not. Some doctors will treat borderline results while other doctors refuse to.

28-08-17, 13:20
Thank you for your replies. Unfortunately, I'm just having a really hard time with all of these symptoms. The more anxious I get about it, the worse it becomes. I just want to wake up and see that they have gone!!

Can anyone provide encouragement that they've experienced these symptoms and it turned out to be no more than anxiety. I have an appt with a neurologist next week and am so scared. I can pass all of the neuro exams and balance just fine, it's when I'm doing normal life things that I get uncoordinated, have trouble remembering words. I have bad TMJ right now and my jaw is really tight. When I talk lately, I have so much saliva!! But I don't know how any of that would be tied to the feeling of jelly arms and legs, clumsiness and uncoordination. HELP PLEASE!! Slipping into a dark place.😩

29-08-17, 12:30
I'm not going to sit here and say you dont have a brain tumor, but i will say its unlikely. the reason i say this is because my grandmother died of brain cancer and trust me your symptoms in no way match up to hers, and i know everyone is different but at the same time we are kind of the same. My grandmother didnt have time to even think she may have a brain tumor, by the time they found it she had already lost most of her sense of reality she completely forgot where she was one day at the store and thats what led them to find the tumor. we all do the little jerk when fallling asleep sometimes everyone i know does it, and we are all forgetful at times especially when stressed or tired. dont think the worst of the situation, go get checked out if needed that way you can put your mind at ease.

15-09-17, 21:52
Just wanted to update for anyone who may come across this thread and needs some reassurance. I seriously thought I had a brain tumor. I've had SO many symptoms - everywhere I turned I was reading stories of people diagnosed with brain tumors in the news, etc. BUT I had an MRI last night and got the results this morning. ALL normal. No tumor or MS. It just goes to show what anxiety and (probably my thyroid as well) can do!!!!! Hope this can help someone!!!!!!

15-09-17, 22:02
get checked by your doctor my husband had a brain tumer only symptoms he had were an awful headache dont think your symptoms are the same but mabie see your doctor to put your mind at rest oh meant to say that was 20 year ago and he had an opp but hes fine also look at any meds you are taking for side affects i feel ill with blood pressure meds

16-09-17, 02:08
I did and my MRI was normal - thank you :)