View Full Version : 60 days on Fluoxetine

24-08-17, 14:57
So I've been on 20mg Fluoxetine before for anxiety successfully got on them 6yrs ago and stayed on them for nearly a year weaned off them and was good for 2yrs the start up side effects were brutal so 2yrs later had a relapse and was prescribed Citalopram lasted 3 weeks before side effects got too much and Dr told me stop basically put my anxiety thru the roof was scared to leave the house bad sickness and diarrhoea came off them and was good for a year then crashed so was put back on Flu for 6 weeks till the Dr rang and told me to stop as had assessment for counselling and was a blubbing wreck with suicidal thoughts and totally negative outlook fast forward to now and things have gone bad again it's always been work as I work for the family business and just found out after 23yrs working there my brother is getting the business as apparently because I look after my kids I can't put the required time and effort in .
So been on the Flu for 60 days and don't feel much better suffering badly with night sweats for the last few weeks and depression this week really having a hard time can't really leave the house my nerves are that bad didn't feel this way before I started.
Is it time to call it a day and either increase which scares the crap out of me because would it mean starting from scratch as can't go thru the side effects again or should I just taper off and give therapy a chance as found a private therapist because NHS taking too long really struggling as every time I have come off meds even after a short time feel good for a year but then all the crap at work gets to me hoping someone can help me as hate being on meds but can't go thru this again but really feel the meds aren't helping but making me worse sorry for rambling but in a real horrible place at the mo.
Thanks for reading any help will be gratefully received

24-08-17, 15:46
Hey Cor, I'm so sorry you're having such a shit time :(

From everything I've heard here, it takes longer for someone who's been on fluox before to get back on it. Or it CAN take longer, I should clarify. Also can take longer for someone who's been on different anti depressants in the past as well. If it worked for you before, it should work again. The thing with fluoxetine is that it can take 30-60 days to reach a steady state in your blood. So it only starts working after that. Probably a few weeks after that even. It's a very slow acting drug but supposed to be brilliant when it does work.

In my own experience, I was switched right over from seroxat. I am now 68 days into fluox and I haven't noticed anything too significant yet. Improvements are happening slowly and are noticed more by my loved ones rather than me. I'm still battling side effects, heightened anxiety etc.. so you are definitely not alone. From what I've heard, you gotta give it 12 weeks at least before increasing or switching. Hope this helps ❤️❤️

24-08-17, 16:56
Thanks for the reply not sure can hang on to 12weeks side effects if that is what they are are horrible no appetite lost over 2 stone in weight, sweating ,depression and suicidal thoughts mind constantly racing even if I try and watch TV etc scared to leave the house constant anxiety shaking and muscle twitches not been in work for over 8 weeks although 2 of those I was on holiday (weeks 4-5)and felt okish while there but since being back hardly left my bedroom let alone the house my wife and kids are suffering all this with me my kids just want their Dad back not back at Dr til 30th but seriously thinking about asking to come off and hope to god the therapy works and never get in this state again as cant do the side effects of the meds and anything but the flu scares the hell out of me because of weight gain and problems coming off I know whats what with Fluoxetine but the side effects should surely be gone by now or at least be lessening the night sweats are horrible the bed is soaked like someone has poured water over me

14-09-17, 17:37
hey just wondered how you are doing now cor? xx

14-09-17, 17:45
I've been on Flou for 9 years now, still have the odd flare up

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