View Full Version : Sorry for the constant posts yellow eyes this time!

24-08-17, 16:42
So I don't know why but my HA is in full flow at the moment it seems to be one thing after another.

We are in the process of moving house and I am worried about my Dad not being well so I don't know if that's impacting on me but I seem to be in full checking mode!

So for the last week I've had itchy skin on and off. Not all over but my arms and legs and that prickly skin feeling.

I'm not scratching in my sleep and when I'm distracted I don't seem to notice it as much so I thought it's probably a combination of anxiety and the fact I've been using a new shower gel at the gym. I have really sensitive dry skin so it's not unusual for me to react to things. I've stopped using the shower gel and it doesn't seem as bad.

Anyway fast foward this morning I looked at my eyes and thought they looked a bit yellow, so cue me going round the house looking in every mirror. In some I thought there was a tinge in others I thought they looked ok.

So I then have a complete melt down, full blown panic attack thinking I've got jaundice and the itching is because I've got some terminal disease affecting my liver.

I managed to pull myself together to take my son and his friend out for the day, came home and said to my husband I think my eyes are yellow, he promptly laughed and said "ermmm no they're not". I then got my mum to check and my dad who all laughed and said "what are you on about they are white".

I'm trying to explain that I think they look a bit yellowy in certain lights and they just think I'm insane. They reckon if you had jaundice if would be fairly obvious and you wouldn't have to scrutinise your eyes in different lights to see it as it would stand out like a sore thumb.

So now I don't feel as panicked but I still keep checking, can anyone relate to this, I honestly feel like I'm going mad!!

24-08-17, 17:54
This was (another) one of my fears. I still have days of checking! I asked the doctor once & she said it would be very noticeable. I would try not to worry, yeah I know not easy! But if you have asked others & they see nothing then your fine:) xx

24-08-17, 19:32
Thanks Cakelady the thing that gets me is how suddenly it hits you. I went from being fine this morning to have a complete meltdown and virtually on my way to the Dr's.

24-08-17, 22:06
I know i'm the same, it cripples me with fear some days i'm doing well then see something:shrug: You have other stresses & worries just now also which will be weighing on your mind too which must be difficult. xx

24-08-17, 22:15
I used to have the same fear. I'd think my skin or eyes were yellow and that it was a sign of liver disease.

Then my dog ended up with liver disease. Trust me, if you've got jaundice, you KNOW. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that the skin or eyes are yellow. None.

24-08-17, 22:33
I've seen someone jaundiced and there would be no checking in different lights or different mirrors if you had it. It is so noticeable no one could ever mistake it.

It's just another outlet for HA, something you've latched onto. Relax ( hard I know ) but you really are ok.

25-08-17, 07:27
Thanks everyone, i just love the fact I can come on here and people can actually relate and understand what you are going through.

I hate HA it really does feel like you are going mad and I know my family members struggle to comprehend why I react the way I do.

I definitely am anxious at the moment I was awake at 5 and tossed and turned all night. I think I might need to increase my meds, I'm only taking half the prescribed dose at the moment as I'm normally ok on it but I probably need to up it for a while to try and get over this phase.

Thanks again

25-08-17, 16:38
believe me when your eyes go yellow you will definitely know it, people will be able to tell across the room, its never just a little bit yellow. the itch is from your stress

25-08-17, 22:17
Thank you, I did pop to the Dr's and the Nurse had a good look at my eyes and said they were nice and clear, she also checked my skin, palms of hands etc and said I am definitely not turning yellow. She did give me blood test forms, for Liver, FBC etc and said she's not worried at all but if the itching persists it might be worth getting the tests as sometimes low iron can cause itching but she said it's up to me. I did say I think it's my anxiety causing the itching but she said just see how it goes and if it carried on I have the blood test forms if I want them.

25-08-17, 22:28
I was panicked so bad at work because I thought my skin was going jaundice. Turns out it was yellow highlighter that had gotten on to my arm. I was a freaking out mess for about an hour.

27-08-17, 07:18
Body dysmorphia ?... I see things related to my body which aren't real. I even project it onto loved ones. I recently thought my husband looked yellow and made him get a serum Chem test and his liver was fine. Just anxiety man.

27-08-17, 14:33
That's interesting Leah I'd never thought about it as that. A while back I was convinced my urine had blood in it and I was telling everyone it was pink. I'm ashamed to say that I even got my mum and husband to check and they were trying to convince me it was normal urine colour with no hint of pink or anything else.

I might have a look at body dysmorphia as I definitely seem to see things with my body that others can't.

27-08-17, 23:47
Yeah people think of body dysmorphia as only being related to anorexia but it can relate to any illness you think you have. I believe most posters on here have it. It does fall under the OCD spectrum which most health anxiety sufferers also have.