View Full Version : Lumps in back wall of throat? Normal?

24-08-17, 18:05
Hello everybody, I'm a little anxious about this things I've just found in my throat. They're like tinny lumps in the back oropharyngeal wall and I don't know if they're a normal part of the tissue or they're abnormal. I want to know if anybody has the same thing.
What I'm talking about looks very similar to this -> http://www.drrahmatorlummc.com/Post-Tonsillectomy%20Throat%20Appearance%20Dr.%20Rahmat %20Omar.jpg / http://i43.tinypic.com/6qd5qt.jpg
I have no pain or discomfort and just noticed that washing my mouth, the rest of my throat it's somewhat "normal". I usually have acid reflux, that can be related?

I read you!!

24-08-17, 19:15
Yes I have them too :) No worries!!!!!

24-08-17, 22:30
Yes I have them too :) No worries!!!!!
Thank you for your answer! What's concerning me it's that I don't know if these bumps have been there always or if they are something. My mind keeps telling me: what if it's something else?

18-11-17, 11:18
Omg I have these too ! They have been there for about 6 weeks now have yours disappeared yet?

23-11-17, 21:58

I also have lumps like this. I noticed them two weeks ago and they do not appear to have changed at all. I'm pretty sure I didn't have them the last time I checked, which was maybe a few months ago.

I don't feel unwell and my only real symptoms are sometimes having a dry nasal cavity and sometimes some extra mucus.

I actually poked mine gently with a cotton bud and it felt hard and didn't cause me to gag. When I touched an unaffected area I instantly gagged. It's as if they are shielding the back of the throat. They are not painful at all.

Is this really something which is normal?

23-11-17, 21:59
Don't everyone have those?

23-11-17, 22:01
Don't everyone have those?

I have seen images online where people do not have anything on the back wall of their throat, so I don't believe they do

23-11-17, 22:05
I have seen images online where people do not have anything on the back wall of their throat, so I don't believe they do

Well, could be a normal anatomical difference then. I had a lymphoma scare so my throat has been checked by over 10 different doctors (I shit you not) and one was a ent doctor and everyone said it looked healthy. So no worries!

23-11-17, 22:05
We're not made of porcelain :winks:

Positive thoughts

23-11-17, 22:10
Well, could be a normal anatomical difference then. I had a lymphoma scare so my throat has been checked by over 10 different doctors (I shit you not) and one was a ent doctor and everyone said it looked healthy. So no worries!

Thanks for your reply. So you do have these fleshy reddish lumps as well then? If yes I assume you have had them or some time?

23-11-17, 22:13
Thanks for your reply. So you do have these fleshy reddish lumps as well then? If yes I assume you have had them or some time?

I don't know how long because I never thought it was of concern and none of the doctors ever mentioned it either but yes, my throat looks about the same as yours!

24-11-17, 08:48
Well I now have an appointment with a ent in a few weeks so I'll let you all know what they say about them.

24-11-17, 20:11
Well I now have an appointment with a ent in a few weeks so I'll let you all know what they say about them.

Would be good if you could let us know. Were you referred by your GP? I assume you were. Did they seem concerned?

25-11-17, 21:56
Yes I had an emergency referral through my gp due to vertigo.

25-11-17, 22:09
Yes I had an emergency referral through my gp due to vertigo.

Oh I see. My mother had vertigo caused by a viral infection which spread to the inner ear. I think that lasted over 2 months from start to finish and there was nothing they could do in terms of medication, just the usual advice for any viral infection.

Is the theory that the lumps are related to the vertigo (i.e. the viral infection)? Or was the referral mainly down to the vertigo and they would check the lumps while you’re there kind of thing?

That would make sense as I’ve pretty much convinced myself the lumps are due to a virus as I’ve got very mild symptoms of a virus, hardly noticeable some days.

Hope you get sorted, vertigo is not nice at all.

26-11-17, 14:11
Hi again. The referral was because of the vertigo , I had it about year ago and even though the spinning stopped after a week I still felt like I was moving all the time and I don’t mean a gentle swaying it’s more like plane turbulence. It took me about 10 months to start feeling better but a couple of months go I woke up with vertigo again that lasted 4 weeks! The spinning has stopped again now but I feel like a moving about again when I’m not , almost like I’m going to start spinning but visually I don’t see it. I did have a sore throat the day before the vertigo started this time and that’s when I noticed the bumps so I guess while I’m there I’ll mention it as they wasn’t there before and show no signs of going. I also have extremely sensitive hearing at the moment and visual problems too. Even the sound of my own voice is hurting my ears at the moment. :(

11-01-18, 21:14

Was curious if you had any feedback from your referral?

Hope everything is ok with you.

11-01-18, 22:17
I was scared too but I saw two ENTS and they said that it wasn't that bad and certainly is not cancer (I specifically ASKED!).

Second ENT examined my throat deeper with a laryngoscope and said she saw acid there and that all this is from acid reflux, silent reflux, I believe. I was put on a diet (my throat also hurts, that is why I went to ENT in the first place).

Also lymph nodes in my neck, but they all keep saying that they are irrelevant (not that big anyways etc).

I do believe on the acid reflux part because I have had episodes of acid feeling in the back of my throat coming back from esophagus. And I actually did feel a lot better when I was on a Dropping acid diet. I will try again soon. But now I am in my first trimester and it is not that easy because sometime thought of any food except the one I crave makes me feel like vomiting.

18-01-18, 07:14
hi i have the same for a year now (that's when i noticed them)

been to the ENT he said its normal and its nothing, they dont go away but they are not bad.

20-01-18, 08:54
Hi yes i did ask the ent to have a look at my throat and he said they was normal bits of throat flesh!! Though im not convinced as they wasnt there before i had a sore throat! They are still there and i think they look worse now.