View Full Version : Unexplained darkening bruises

24-08-17, 18:39
I have a small pale bruise on my upper thigh that has suddenly gone red / purple colour. I have another large purple bruise on my outer thigh. They are both getting darker it seems over the past few days.

If I had a normal CBC in June would that rule out leukaemia? Even in the early stages?

24-08-17, 18:52
Don't even go there. We bang ourselves all the time and don't recall or think twice about it. I have a huge one on my calf... no idea how it got there.. pretty colors too!

Positive thoughts

24-08-17, 18:54
Thanks Fishman. Do you think the fact that it's suddenly got darker is ok? Does a normal CBC in June mean I shouldn't go down the leukaemia road? I really don't want to go but I can feel it happening..

24-08-17, 19:19
Thanks Fishman. Do you think the fact that it's suddenly got darker is ok? Does a normal CBC in June mean I shouldn't go down the leukaemia road? I really don't want to go but I can feel it happening..

My feet are basically numb due to neuropathy. I dropped a hammer on my foot once. It hurt a little but I just brushed it off. A day later it was turning black and blue. 3 days later it looked like I dropped a freakin' safe on it! ~lol~

It's just a couple of bruises, nothing more. You're bloods were good less than two months ago. The road is closed Cattia... no trespassing ;)

Positive thoughts

25-08-17, 20:30
Thanks Fishman, I REALLY am trying to let go of this. I went around my house like an insane person trying to figure out what I could have knocked an existing bruise on to suddenly make it develop a purple mark where there wasn't one before. I did discover that the drawers in my kitchen which I do sometimes knock closed with my leg are exactly that height. So now I am wondering whether it's more likely that I knocked an existing bruise on the kitchen drawer or whether it's more likely that the bruise is lleukaemia. What I really also wonder is why ypu hang around here with all us nutty people and offer us such support and encouragement? It must be very frustrating at times!!

25-08-17, 21:06
What I really also wonder is why ypu hang around here with all us nutty people and offer us such support and encouragement? It must be very frustrating at times!!

I came here originally to give a few posters a piece of my mind as I followed them over from the cancer forum I was on. As you've seen me state, I find it incredibly disrespectful for HA sufferers to post on the disease sites when the people there are actually dealing with illnesses that could and do take their lives.

So... I read a bit and realized that perhaps I could stick around and help quell some fears. Especially those that I've personally experienced. Also, my daughter suffers from depression and anxiety and it's helped me better understand what she deals with. That was 4 years ago...

Yes, there are times when it can be very frustrating, especially those times when you really put a lot of thought and time into a reply and it's totally ignored. I've learned to recognize those too deep in the rabbit hole to reach and it's sad to see. There are those here that will take advice on board and act on behalf of themselves and sadly, there are many more that never will or cannot due to their life circumstances. That being said, it's those times when the words get through and someone will take the advice and get on the path to healing. The PMs I receive to that effect make it all worth while. There are several former members I've kept in touch with via Facebook and email and I value the friendship (albeit virtual). It's always good to hear how they're doing.

So there ya go....

Positive thoughts

25-08-17, 21:56
It's really appreciated Fishman. You definitely leave your mark here helping people who really need it.

26-08-17, 14:43
Hi Cattia

I bruise quite easily and as I'm fair skinned they stand out like a sore thumb. I read about how Vitamin C is good for strengthening the capillaries especially vit c with bioflavanoids and started taking some and it definitely seems to help.

I don't know if I'm deficient in Vit C but figured it can't harm as the body doesn't store it but I definitely find now that whilst I still get bruises they don't seem to last as long and are nowhere near as big.

I actually fell down the stairs the other day and whacked my arm, I was expecting it to be black and blue but I only had one small bruise you could barely see.

I think a lot of the time bruising is more often than not due to us lacking some form of Vitamin or Mineral. I think Vit D is good as well.