View Full Version : Sciaitica

24-08-17, 20:14
Been the doctors today for my achy leg and told me it's proberly my plates an screws. I honestly think it's sciatica. When I think of it the pain goes from the base of my spine and then all the way to my toes. Feels like a tingling, numbness type feeling.

I obviously googled it and said either a slipped disc or a tumour?! I'm sorry but this has put me in full on panic mode... again. What's the likelihood of it being something serious? Could me stressing the last couple of weeks caused my back muscles to tighten and cause it?

I'm so scared again. Just when I thought i was feeling better

24-08-17, 21:21
Basically sciatica is the compression of the sciatic nerve which is the biggest nerve in the human body and it runs down from the lower part of the spine (lumbar) into the buttocks and down each thigh and from what you have described it does not sound like sciatica since sciatica is very extreme in nature when it comes to pain it sounds more like you have either tweaked or irritated a normal nerve ending or it could very much be muscular. Yes the main cause for sciatica is usually a slipped disc or a sport or work injury along with many others reasons and the likelihood of it being serious is very rare give it time the pain will subside on its own.
P.s stay of Google take it from someone who has experienced sciatica at its finest many times.
All the best

25-08-17, 01:19
The likelihood if it being a tumour is like Googling headaches and getting a brain tumour and how likely that is.

Sciatica is very common. And then you have metalwork that needs perhaps looking at too?

25-08-17, 04:10
There are lots of light stretches for sciatica. Could you try those and see if it helps? I have chronic pain and understand completely how debilitating and scary it is. I hope you find relief soon!

25-08-17, 12:28
When my anxiety first started, I had sciatica so bad. I think it was from tensing up and sitting so much. They never found a concrete cause but it hurt from my right side lower back, just above my butt cheek, down to the outside of my ankle. I used to wake up with my outer ankle area in so much pain. I started exercising more regularly and lost some weight and about 3 months later I realize it had stopped. Occasionally I get a little of the pain near my butt but walking around helps it. I also got some thigh pain with it, probably from lack of movement.

25-08-17, 13:47
Thank you all for your replys. The ache/pain is still there but a lot less that when it started a week ago. Which is helping my anxiety! Seems to help if I walk and don't just sit around!

25-08-17, 15:42
I have disc problems and every so often it flares up. Once it did give sciatica. It really hurt and goes through your buttock and down the leg. Treatment of choice was ibuprophen and a heat pad. The first couple of days i couldn't do much so I caught up on some films and after that I started moving around. If you stay still for too long you kind of seize up which makes it worse.