View Full Version : What does hypoattenuation mean?

24-08-17, 22:06
I got my scan results back and i don't understand what t means by hypoattenuation and scared it means cancer please help if you understand..

25-08-17, 02:23
Attenuation refers to how dense a part of the body appears relative to other body parts on a CT scan or X-ray.
Hypoattenuation means lower density whereas hyperattenuation means higher density. I wouldnt think it meant anything sinister I'm pretty sure it means you could have a slightly fatty liver.

25-08-17, 02:53
It says consistent with hepatic steatosis, which is fatty liver.

11-02-18, 13:35
I know I made this thread a while ago, but im still worried. I had a ct in august that said I had fatty liver with areas of focal fatty sparing..Of course I had to go and look up 'fatty focal sparing' and I saw that that could mean tumors or lesions and it would look the same as just fatty sparing. I went to the gastroenterologist two days ago and asked about it and he was not worried at all. I asked for an mri and he said it wouldn't make a difference we have a diagnosis and to work on weight loss,, but I cant get it out of my head. so scared I have liver cancer,