View Full Version : Smelling cigarette smoke

25-08-17, 18:16
Hey, I'm new to the forum and this is my first post! I'm a long term health anxiety sufferer, but recently my wife has had symptoms, and while she is happy and relaxed, I'm finding myself getting upset a lot and worrying about the worst case scenario, and assuming the worst.

Anyway, my wife has been smelling cigarette smoke in any situation/place/time of day. This used to happen infrequently months ago, but now can stay for a day or more at a time. She is also experiencing a constant dull nagging headache across the back of her head at all times.
My wife has no other symptoms whatsoever and is coping and working absolutely fine! It's just me who is a nervous wreck through worry lol.
The obvious concern is something like a brain tumour.

Does anyone have any advice , or any experience of these symptoms?

My wife tried a week of antibiotics and 2 weeks of a nasal spray but we've seen no change in the symptoms


Hears The Water
25-08-17, 20:12
Hi, I am sorry you are so stressed out over this. I have had something that sounds similar off and on for years now. I just think of it as a scent getting "stuck" in my sinuses. Some people have success using a nasal wash to get rid of the scent, but I tend to just wait it out. I usually smell something like the bottom of an ash tray or burning food, but I also sometimes have it after being exposed to someone wearing a lot of scent. (I am chemically sensitive so I avoid scents as much as possible.)

If you are really worried about it, perhaps it is time to consult a doctor?
God bless you and yours