View Full Version : Does anyone else's IBS get much worse when you have very low mood ..

25-08-17, 18:22
Hi Everyone

At the moment I'm having a really tough time mentally (constant bad thoughts) . I have noticed that my IBS has kicked of big style , constant tummy pain , funny with food that I'm normally ok with ... I am wondering if it's down to low mood ....

26-08-17, 04:17
I wonder that, too. Mine has gotten MUCH worse since a stressful time a few weeks ago.

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30-08-17, 04:25
Yes, stress and mood majorly affect IBS.

07-09-17, 14:42
I was diagnosed as having IBS around 1990. I am more than ever convinced that the vast majority of sufferers are victims of stress/anxiety/depression. Yes, some foods may not agree but that applies to every single one of us. So, as far as IBS is concerned, your colon is actually in your head!

13-09-17, 00:04
I'm looking at The Cleverguts Diet by Michael Mosely. He makes the point that the gut is very closely linked to the brain, and what affects one affects the other. This possibly explains why my IBS symptoms have been so bad while I've been suffering from anxiety and depression. I haven't read enough to work out if it helps or not!