View Full Version : breast cancer fear - some things that might help you to know

25-08-17, 20:14
Hello there :blush:,

I promised myself that if i can get over this obsession with breast cancer i would come here and post what i went through so other ladies can relate and hopefully find some peace.

I am not one to sit around and check out my breast or anything but walking towards my shower i do have a big mirror so i will occasionally glance lol. This one occasion about 2 months ago i noticed an oval red spot with some skin on top of it, almost looking like a scratch or something. I peeled the little skin off and the spot got a scab that fall off and healed nicely. I did remember that my little dog was sitting on my chest the night before i noticed it and he pushed away right in my boob..... the oval shape also matched his nail perfectly. Around the say time i find out about a member of our community who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in her early 40's. Anyways any rational human would've left it at that , but not me. I got to google damn red rashes or (something like that) on breast .....guest what google said ? Inflammatory breast cancer .... all hell broke loose. I was fine up until this point but once i got to read the symptoms guess what ??? I started having them : burning ( later i realized was coming from bad posture messing up my pecs ), itching ( this i swear was all mental but it manifested itself physically) and to top it all off i started examining my breasts in the mirror multiple times during the day and realized the one i once had that red spot on was bigger. Panic mode full blown and off to the doc i go..... I kid you not, when i went there i almost passed out bc of fear of what she will say... my blood pressure and pulse were so high the nurse was shocked lol.... she gave me a breast exam and said they look and feel normal..... to look out for any redness or discharge. I left feeling good and assured for just about a day lol..... i started obsessively checking my breast for redness and you know the saying : if you look for it, you'll find it ? Well i was getting all kinds of odd small red spots on my breast, luckily they were going away in a few days. All this went on until i received some bad news about my fathers health and so i switched my focus to obsessing over that. Ever since i had no time to concentrate all my energy on the breast, all the symptoms went away..... Ladies please know that one breast is bigger that the other ( for me is the right side), you will get some incredibly uncomfortable burning at times ( in one or both ) and you may even itch sometimes and see some random red spot on your breasts ( that will go away) - its all good, you are fine. Because breasts react so strongly to hormones , any obsession linked to them will give you physical symptoms. Hope this helps :) Much love!

27-08-17, 07:22
Red spots - normal
One boob bigger ( every woman I've talked to has this as do I)
Itchyness ( I am always scratching my boobs when itchy and I don't have breast cancer
All these things aren't cancer, just anxiety.
Also, how many people in your community without inflammatory breast cancer?.. probably too many to count. Just anxiety

28-08-17, 17:25
Yeap, it's absolutely ridiculous the affect anxiety can have as far as phisycal symptoms go.