View Full Version : Chest pain, can anyone relate??

25-08-17, 21:38

I've been getting chest pain between my breasts and round to the left hand side of my ribs, sometimes the right side too but more often the left.
It goes down to the bottom of my sternum and can be anything from a ache to stabbing pains or feeling like there is pressure on my chest/sternum/ribs and like there's something under my skin like an air bubble!?
My GP prescribe omazeaprol for acid reflux/GERD but i don't have burning or any other sign of GERD??
I've been to the hospital and had ECG's, chest X-rays, urine tests, stool samples, blood tests and they said there is nothing wrong and to just consult with my GP who has also said nothing is wrong with my heart, but I can't help think that there is and I'm slowly driving myself to the point of insanity with it.

25-08-17, 21:52
Is it possible it's just your pec muscles? If you are anxious and carry tension around shoulder, neck , upper back all this can refer pain to the chest muscles. My posture is terrible in part because of anxiety and I sometimes get weird pains in the chest ( left, right , both) and arm.

25-08-17, 21:55
Is it possible it's just your pec muscles? If you are anxious and carry tension around shoulder, neck , upper back all this can refer pain to the chest muscles. My posture is terrible in part because of anxiety and I sometimes get weird pains in the chest ( left, right , both) and arm.

Hi Yeti,

Thank you for your response.

Yes i guess it is possible, I have been super tense and anxious these last few weeks and have had a lot going on.
I know anxiety can cause chest pain, but my irrational thoughts get the better of me all the time and I can't help but convince myself it's going to be something terrible. :(

25-08-17, 22:10
Sounds like costochondritis to me.. that causes inflammation between the ribs, mostly where they attach to the sternum.. I think the level of pain and sensation can fluctuate, but I know people say it affects their left side more than the right.. and it's especially felt between the breasts :) Are you quite active? How's your posture generally? I think if you've had that many tests, you're probably alright and your heart is doing just fine..

25-08-17, 22:16
My posture isn't great if I'm honest, I work in an office and I find it quite difficult to get comfortable especially with the chest pain.
Activity wise I was beginning to get quite active doing HIIT workouts and jogging but when the chest pain kicked in I stopped out of fear of pushing my heart too far and the worst happening :(
I sit directly under the air conditioning at work and it's freezing, so I don't know if that's contributed to my poor posture and caused the chest pain as a result, as this initially started as just bad back pain which has gradually moved itself around.
You're probably right with the tests side of things, I've had three different doctors tell me nothing is wrong with my heart/lungs/liver etc. but I always seem to panic something has been missed.
I'm getting better at 'forgetting' about it, as a few weeks ago I'd have been a nervous wreck sat in the emergency room for a twitch in my chest, but I do still get the odd day where it just engulfs me and I can't seem to let it go!

Thank you for the response though, it helped ease me a little and I really appreciate it :)