View Full Version : Panic attacks whilst in the gym

25-08-17, 23:36
Hello all of had panic attacks for around 7 years now they come and go sometimes I get them really bad then I can go a long time without them .

Recently I was going gym and be for I stopped going I starting getting bad panic attacks I was doing a lot of cardio at this point more then weights .
The first time it happens it felt like I'd bee hit with a bag of sand head went heavy dizzy felt like I was going to pass out .
Unfortunately it took over me and still is as now I'm at the point where even a small exercise I panic .

I want to go back to the gym as I feel down that I'm not looking like how I used to look more feel how I used to feel .

I need help and advice on what to do when these come on recently iv been getting pressure in my chest soon as I get a little stressed I want to change my life around I want to meet a woman and start settling down but there is just this that holds me back so much .

Look forward to speaking to you all

26-08-17, 13:58
I would certainly go back to the gym or else an avoidance pattern will set up. You will associate the gym and exercise with panic and avoid it.
If you feel this has already started, maybe go and just sit for a while there, maybe have a coffee. Then perhaps you can go for a swim, they have a pool. Nothing too strenuous. Build it up.
It's important you leave on a good note. Don't leave when you panic, that will just reinforce. So when you are calm, think right, I will go home now and come again tomorrow.
Baby steps.

27-08-17, 17:51
I would certainly go back to the gym or else an avoidance pattern will set up. You will associate the gym and exercise with panic and avoid it.
If you feel this has already started, maybe go and just sit for a while there, maybe have a coffee. Then perhaps you can go for a swim, they have a pool. Nothing too strenuous. Build it up.
It's important you leave on a good note. Don't leave when you panic, that will just reinforce. So when you are calm, think right, I will go home now and come again tomorrow.
Baby steps.

Thank you for your reply as you was saying the bit about leaving the gym on a good note rather then a panic . If done this a few times when it started happening at the gym and as I was reading the more sence it made .
I would love to be able to just get rid of these , like today iv been fishing rather then relaxing most of the time I was panicking as if I felt I was struggling to take deep breaths . It's unreal how these come about thing is I feel so stupid talking to people about it I don't talk about it no more .

Thank you

27-08-17, 18:52
Yeah, talking to people about panic when they've never experienced it, is like asking us what it was like walking on the moon. We have abdolutely no idea and neither do they. This is why places like this are great. We ALL know what it's like.

I think if you seem to be struggling to take deep breaths you may be hyperventilating. Rapid shallow breathing, which in itself brings on more panic feelings.

A good book for me was Bournes Anxiety and Phobia workbook. There are lots of exercises in there regarding relaxation and deep breathing.
Are you panicking away from home or do you get it at home as well?

27-08-17, 19:37
I look into them books .
Yes I get them at home but not as bad as I do when I'm out and about .
I get them at fishing or when I'm driving when if I go take the dog out .
It's as if I worry that I won't be able to get my breath back and I'm not getting enough oxygen. Or I might have a heart attack .

27-08-17, 21:04
You will Always get your breath. I've not heard of a single person in an attack actually stopping breathing. It's one of the body's functions that is out of your control. You get on with it all day, without even thinking of it.....except when you are in an attack. Then it's all you can think of, which tells you it's your anxiety dictating your thoughts.

As for a heart attack. A person with a healthy heart can do all sorts. Think of sprinters, marathon runners. Their hearts pounds with no danger of a heart attack. So panic makes your heart pound the same. So unless you have a history of heart problems, your heart can stand a little bit of pounding no problem.

27-08-17, 21:21
You will Always get your breath. I've not heard of a single person in an attack actually stopping breathing. It's one of the body's functions that is out of your control. You get on with it all day, without even thinking of it.....except when you are in an attack. Then it's all you can think of, which tells you it's your anxiety dictating your thoughts.

As for a heart attack. A person with a healthy heart can do all sorts. Think of sprinters, marathon runners. Their hearts pounds with no danger of a heart attack. So panic makes your heart pound the same. So unless you have a history of heart problems, your heart can stand a little bit of pounding no problem.

This is true I'm sure a bit of a heart rate is good for you right . I don't no if or what I can do or if it will ever go I'm just hoping it will it just feels like it's tacking over .
No matter what I do it's there waiting

27-08-17, 22:43
They tend to come in bouts. You can go ages without one, then have a bad time when they come back and drag you down again. But they've disappeared before and they will again. But in the meantime you need to learn some coping skills. I do recommend trying that book, I found it very useful.
Don't try any of the exercises when you are in a panic, if you're like me your head turns to mush. Practice when you are calmer and your brain is more receptive to learning the techniques.
Ride the storm, everything passes, including this.

28-08-17, 21:22
They tend to come in bouts. You can go ages without one, then have a bad time when they come back and drag you down again. But they've disappeared before and they will again. But in the meantime you need to learn some coping skills. I do recommend trying that book, I found it very useful.
Don't try any of the exercises when you are in a panic, if you're like me your head turns to mush. Practice when you are calmer and your brain is more receptive to learning the techniques.
Ride the storm, everything passes, including this.

That j you for your help I will try my best and I will try rise above this :) . Your words are comferting