View Full Version : Post nasal drip?

26-08-17, 16:01

Can a post nasal drip irritate just one side of your throat?

It seems to be on the side that I sleep on.


26-08-17, 16:10
Your answer? Gravity.... ;)

Positive thoughts

26-08-17, 20:21
Yes. And if you have a tonsil on that side, it will get red and swollen as the fluid keeps running over it.

26-08-17, 21:33
Thank you.

I did go to the GP yesterday and he said my throat looked OK.

It's so weird as only one side of my throat is feeling a bit raw.

He said he may send me for a camera down there as its been going on for a couple of months now.


26-08-17, 22:38
It's not weird. It's normal. That's post nasal drip when only one side of your sinuses are draining. You know your sinuses have two sides, right?

27-08-17, 12:06
Thank you xx

27-08-17, 12:17
I know when I have colds or hayfever it's always one nostril that inflames more than the other. Don't different nostrils have different uses anyway?

For PND some use neti pots. A little teapot tipped down the nose to clear it out with saline.

27-08-17, 12:35

I have one of those neti pots but Im too scared to use it :blush:

27-08-17, 18:55
Why are you scared to use it? That's completely irrational.

Neti pots, saline nasal spray, Sudafed, and an antihistamine (if you have allergies) are generally the standard treatments for post nasal drip.

22-02-18, 17:03
I have had post nasal drip for years - had full ENT with camera and was told I had Reflux - however tablets did no good and was sure I had not got Reflux. Recently read on internet it can be caused by allergy - so tried antihistamine (Zirtek) and results have been really good. The only problem is that the Zirtek makes me feel tired all day - can anyone recommend an antihistamine that doesn't??

22-02-18, 20:15
I use loratidine which isn’t supposed to be make you drowsy.

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au Lait
22-02-18, 21:39
Yep. Happens to me quite a bit when my allergies are flaring up.

23-02-18, 01:46
I use loratidine which isn’t supposed to be make you drowsy.

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Yeah, my mum has to take these quite often due to flare ups of her skin condition causes by her blood pressure meds. This doesn't make her drousy unlike the others you tend to see.