View Full Version : Very worried, palmar erythema...

26-08-17, 16:16
Yesterday I looked at my hands and found out they were red... I googled and found it's almost certainly palmar erythema, which is most commonly associated with liver disease.
My palms look red all around the centre of the palm, in the center it's normal color.
I'm so worried, I had stomach cancer, so I'm worried now I might have some kind of liver or pancreatic disease :(
Also I had pains and loss of appettite in the past few days, although I'm normal again now

26-08-17, 16:33
Hi, it definitely sounds like anxiety to me. Today I looked at my hands and thought they looked so red and I was panicking that I was going to go into some sort of shock. Then once I calmed down I realised it was down to the environment I work in and it has now passed. If you had anything wrong with your liver you would be bed bound and feel very, very ill. You are fine.

Take care xx

26-08-17, 16:56
Hi, it definitely sounds like anxiety to me. Today I looked at my hands and thought they looked so red and I was panicking that I was going to go into some sort of shock. Then once I calmed down I realised it was down to the environment I work in and it has now passed. If you had anything wrong with your liver you would be bed bound and feel very, very ill. You are fine.

Take care xx

They are constantly red though and seem to be in the exact spots palmar erythema strikes: Thenar eminence and below the pink near the wrist.
It looks like this:


I'm worried it might be a pancreatic issue since I have pains below the left ribcage, sometimes strong and nausea.

Catherine S
26-08-17, 19:13
If you're an ex-cancer sufferer, it's always best to talk to your doctor about anything worrying you. I have to say your hands look pretty normal to me but I don't have medical knowledge of these things.

Cath S ☺