View Full Version : Help, I'm twitching all over, jerks and scared of als. Freaking out

26-08-17, 20:25
It all started with a bad headache for a week and mild twitching. Now i have full on body twitches when im trying to sleep. My foot, toes, hands, wrists, head, lip, tounge stomachs, face, involuntary swallowing, tounge SPASM. Sometimes my whole body moves with a jerk. I wake up shakey. During the day I have small twitches in fingers , toes and a shoulder. Sometimes a face twitch. When I sleep I CLENCH my teeth so hard I'm tearing my cheeks up and wake up sore. My jaw is sore and my head and face tight. I CLENCH my teeth during the day as well. I also feel.shaku and tightness in my stomach with shortness of breathe. Now I'm scared I have als and I am going to leave my babies. Had a c.t SCAN 1 week ago of the brain which was fine and an MRI 10 months ago which was good. I'm really falling apart. I can pick up a bar stool with two fingers on both hands and walk on my tippy toes and heal walk. Please help me guys I need you . What could this be. A month ago I was completely normal.

26-08-17, 22:38
I know how u feel buddy. U need to try and relax and let your nervous system have a rest. Sounds like BFS, mine acts up after i get any ailment. Try to relax and stop associating twitching with ALS. Face twitching is a big sign of benign fascisculation syndrome. Just try to relax and ignore the twitches. Remember everyone twitches.

27-08-17, 00:50
Thank you for your reply. It's so appreciated. I love this forum. It's funny that people on this forum suffer but there the best people out there.

27-08-17, 22:10
It all started with a headache with a hot rush to the back of the neck. The headache lasted 2 weeks caring in intensity. Got crawling sensations and feeling of water coming down both sides of my face. While this was going on I was getting an occasional twitch here and there while trying to fall asleep. But now it's full on twitches and involuntary muscle jerks. My wrist will move, my abdomen will jerk, my feet, toes, head, face twitch and jerk. I never had these before. Perfectly normal a month ago. I have been very stressed. I have bad health anxiety. Thought I had a brain tumor, colon cancer and bladder cancer within two months. I get myself wound up. But this has got me really really scared. Am I DYING OF a degenerative disease. Noticed twitches during the day. Mild but they are there. Also very bad teeth grinding. So bad I wake up with tears in my cheeks. I clench my teeth all day too. So scared. I have looked up neurological diseases and have scared myself senseless. Anybody had these twitches. At one point my wrist jerked and hit me in the face. Is this m.s, als, Huntington etc..even my tounges twiching. Involuntary swallowing a few times as well. It's like I turn in to the excorcist when I lay down to go to sleep. I sit up in bed in awe of what's happening . Am I dying?

27-08-17, 22:25
I have merged your posts together

28-08-17, 16:26
this is all stress , no disease works this fast on someone. but stress will change you overnight.

31-08-17, 06:01
MS -no twitching
Huntingtons - different kind of twitching, more like shrugging your shoulders or little tics. Very rare and would have to be in 50% of family members as well.
ALS-right kind of twitching at least, but the VAST majority of twitchers do not have ALS. the ALS forums have a sticky that basically say this.
People get stressed and start twitching. It's well documented online now.

31-08-17, 15:14
what he's describing is no the right kind of twitching for als

31-08-17, 22:20
What do you mean by right type of twitching for als? Your scaring me

31-08-17, 22:40
I have body wide twitching too. There is actually a name for this. Benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS). Its super common in people have have anxiety. I started twitching all over about 2 years ago. I freaked out just like you and saw a neurologist. He told me it was anxiety causing it. I get twitches I can see but not feel, twitches that I feel but can't see, big ones that move my whole muscle or a tiny area. I get hot spots that will go on for days/weeks before it passes. I just had one in one of my toes. It would move the entire thing and it was on and off for about 3 weeks before it stopped. You're ok! I promise! Something that helps mine is taking epsom salt baths. The magnesium in the salts help settle it. Also keeping hydrated and drinking a gatorade tends to help, as well.

01-09-17, 14:36
Is it a bad thing I feel my twitches and jerks. My body does not like to rest. It starts twitching and jerking in bed. I clench my teeth all the time so my lips go numb sometimes. Last night I laid on my left side and felt a rush through my body and my body started to tremble as soon as I got up it stopped. All this started from one day to the next. Can fatal diseases do that? I'm scared I have some awful neurological disease that's going to take me out soon. I have two small babies. I'm so stressed I forget to breathe. I have had no weakness. Last night I woke up with numbness and pins and needles in my hands. Is that Bad? I know you guys are not doctors but this is all new to me.

01-09-17, 15:04
Why not take a look at this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=206687) and download it? Much better than dwelling on something you don't have. I would also read this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) again!

Positive thoughts

03-09-17, 00:24
Wow thank you so much fishmanpa and Leslie. Very appreciated.

19-04-18, 17:14
Thank you for your review :yesyes:

19-04-18, 17:19
The right slipper fit fine but the heel of the left one was extremely wide and I couldn't keep it on my foot. I bought a pair slippers in my regular size. Also, the fabric on the outside at the heel of each slipper looked like the suede had been worn away. The slippers appeared to be "seconds." However, Orthofeet was cooperative about accepting the return and helped me with the label and shipping instructions. The customer service was great and I would recommend them.

Was your right toe twitching in your slipper? :lac: