View Full Version : waking up With racing heart in the middle of the night

27-08-17, 09:36

Last night at around 4 am I woke up suddenly, almost like I jolted, with a really really fast racing heart, gasping for air and really disoriented. This stopped after a couple of minutes, but I was hen scared to fall back to sleep.

Really worried, is this just anxiety ?? :(

27-08-17, 09:40

Last night at around 4 am I woke up suddenly, almost like I jolted, with a really really fast racing heart, gasping for air and really disoriented. This stopped after a couple of minutes, but I was hen scared to fall back to sleep.

Really worried, is this just anxiety ?? :(

I wake like this most nights a couple of times and definitely each morning. It is awful to be honest, could you of been having a bad dream?

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27-08-17, 09:51
Thanks for replying.. I'm so sorry u have to go through this, it is horrible!

Nope I wasn't having a bad dream, I kinda wish I had been so I would have an explanation, now I can't stop worrying :(

27-08-17, 09:54
Thanks for replying.. I'm so sorry u have to go through this, it is horrible!

Nope I wasn't having a bad dream, I kinda wish I had been so I would have an explanation, now I can't stop worrying :(

I'm actually used to it now as bad as that is, it's down from 5 or 6 times a night to only 3 or so now that I'm not working anymore.
It is unfortunately one of those things that happens every now and again I think of them as a panic attack in my sleep. Try not to worry yourself too much over it, honestly i know that is really difficult.

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27-08-17, 10:25
I'm hoping it is just a panic attack/anxiety, but deep down I'm terrified it's a dangerous arrhythmia:(

27-08-17, 11:00
I'm hoping it is just a panic attack/anxiety, but deep down I'm terrified it's a dangerous arrhythmia:(

Do you normally latch on to heart related HA?

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27-08-17, 11:46
Yes! My whole anxiety is around my heart x

27-08-17, 12:25
Yes! My whole anxiety is around my heart x

Mines all around tumours and stomach issues, but I definitely experience the night time issues and my heart is absolutely fine :)

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27-08-17, 14:37
I had this and still do from time to time. I actually went to the GP who did an ECG and it was normal. She said it's no different to having palpitations in the day it just seems more scary because it happens at night and she told me being anxious about it makes it worse.

If you are worried I'd say get an ECG for peace of mind, it takes minutes and mine have virtually stopped since I had it done.

27-08-17, 15:23
Any dream--good or bad--causes elevated heart rate. I learned this because I would wake up from dreams etc and my heart would be pounding. I did some research, and sure enough, our bodies just do this. I tracked mine with my Apple watch one night--averaged 135 BPM when waking up from a dream.

28-08-17, 01:29
This is what happens to me every night at the moment.. sometimes it's within 10-20 minutes after drifting off.. sometimes after a longer period of time. I can't remember the last night I slept all the way through actually.. :( It all started a couple of months back when I had some issues with my stomach and panicking because I didn't sleep for an entire night. The not sleeping continued, as did my panic and trips to the doctor.. I was having some relationship trouble at the time as well. I managed to sort my issues out and sleep like a normal person again for a few weeks, but it's back again now my HA is going into overdrive about lymph nodes..

I think I'm just used to it now and have accepted it's going to happen. I've tried going to bed earlier or waiting until the early hours when I'm exhausted.. the one thing that did help me was having music on headphones and drifting off with it on a really low volume so that it wouldn't wake me up if I drifted. I sleep on my back so the headphones never fell out haha!

17-02-18, 06:59
I had the problem of waking up suddenly with a racing pounding heart for years and never really read anything into it, until when I started having panic attacks as a result of PTSD. Now I am practically stressed with health anxiety most times of the day. I have done several heart tests and all results have been good and cardiologists have assured me my heart has no issues but my brain keeps busy keeping my anxiety alive. Now I am having nightmares regularly and wake up with my heart beating fast which gets worse as my brain get fixated on this. I am on the beta blocker, Bisoprolol, which is advertised to be cardiac protective yet this is happening; though during the day I don't get this problem with a racing heart but even have pulse rates averaging 56-67 bpm at rest. I dread going to sleep and also experience hypnic jerks some nights. I am a regular runner and jog four times a week for at least forty five minute each

17-02-18, 20:43
Its basically a hypnic jerk. I get this during sleep onset (which is even more annoying as it sometimes stops me from dropping to sleep). Dont really get the heart palpitations but it would be a random (usually subtle) jerk usually on the shoulders or leg. Its caused usually by anxiety and sucks.