View Full Version : Communication, the cause of all our anxiety's?

04-06-07, 20:10
I wa listening to Radio 5 today, a piece on stress at work. Some study group has stated that stress/depression and anxiety is now the number 2 reason in the UK why people were off work.

Well there was the usual phone in debate, those who think stress is the new buzz word for lazy people, those who think life is too difficult these days, those who think their jobs are the most stressful (a few Teachers called in saying that, funny enough) and those saying we never had it so good compared to our parents/grand parents.

One caller rang in and and said something that struck a chord with me. "Its communication, thats the problem". What he went on to explain is, that in our working life, we are bombarded because we are easily contactable.

He went on to say his stress was caused by the fact that he could be contacted far too easy, by mobile, txt, e-mail by his bosses and clients alike. And this relentless pressure, and the inability to "get away" was a major factor in his breakdown.

I remember when I 1st got hit bad with anxiety, I had just got a mobile phone and a PC with e-mail and contactable in the office and at home. When I look back, it was a busy time and I used to get frustrated that it was acceptable for this technology to be so intrusive in my life. No longer 9 - 5.

I am not saying it was the trigger for my anxiety (I will probably never know for sure) but is that really so stressful?

Work was so much more physically demanding in times gone by, is this lack of physical work the reason why so many people have work stress?

Just a thought


05-06-07, 10:07
Yes I think that is very true to a certain extent.

Have you ever read any of 'mico's posts or threads Jaco??? I think you would find him very interesting!!

Piglet :flowers: