View Full Version : Restless sleep, waking up. Totally exhausted all day

27-08-17, 14:39
I'm 26 years old and I've had health anxiety for years. I get it bad some months and other months it totally goes away.

About 3 weeks ago I woke up in the night feeling like crap and my heart started to race, ever since that night I have not been able to stay asleep throughout the night and I keep waking up after about 4 hours feeling terrible but then I can get back asleep eventually but when I do wake up I feel totally exhausted and not refreshed at all

The exhaustion feeling will not go away and it lasts all day. I have never felt this type of exhaustion before, it's not like normal tiredness it's where you feel like you don't have the energy to do anything at all. I also notice myself just randomly staring into space aswell and I struggle to concentrate and it starts to make me feel anxious

There's lots more I could add but has anyone here had this? Waking up in the night feeling like crap and then feeling totally exhausted all day long

30-08-17, 11:38
Am I the only one

30-08-17, 12:16
Hi Tom,

You definitely aren't alone!

This has just started happening to me too (I am also 26). I wake up with a pounding heart and sometimes it skips a beat. I know it's not a bad dream or anything - it's horrible. It takes me a while to settle myself and I'm scared to go back to sleep in case I don't wake up.

I read that it could be caused by adrenaline rushes when you've generally been feeling anxious and/or having panic attacks. I think it's your subconscious going into overdrive whilst you are trying to relax.

I wake up absolutely exhausted and even as I'm typing this I'm struggling with fatigue.

Have you been to your GP? I am going tomorrow in the hope that I can be referred for CBT.
