View Full Version : Anxiety after break up months on

Flying Stars
27-08-17, 16:33
Hi all

My anxiety seems to have reappeared lately. Does anyone else feel like they are stuck? I work a very tough job with long hours (never had any time off), it's hard to explain but part of me loves it still and the other part realised how hard it is and stressful. But I feel that if I didn't have that I wouldn't have much else to do.

I went through a break up in January that has left we incredibly upset and dealing with grief - lots of past grief too. I was really hurt. I feel ashamed that I still struggle with this months down the line and have feelings for this person but have tried my best to move on. (He defo doesn't care about me anymore and hasn't for many months now).

A couple of people have asked me out on a date but I always stay away as I don't think I could ever face going through heartbreak again (it was my first relationship). Then on the other hand I still have to work with this person who I broke up with, so it's tough.

Anyone else been in this situation? I've had lots of support from friends/ therapist in recent months but I hate days like this when I feel low and so scared for the future x