View Full Version : Anxiety over things I know will be fine

27-08-17, 17:16
Hello All,
This is my first post. This is the first time that I have had a really bad bout of anxiety. I have always been an anxious person, wound tight, but it never interfered with my life too much.
About two weeks ago I started experiencing debilitating anxiety. My boyfriend and I are both university students, and were looking for a flat together. We eventually had to take rooms in separate houses, which was not part of our original plan. Two weeks ago is about when we decided to look for separate rooms in houses, because we could not put down 6 months rent of secure a guarantor, nothing to do with the relationship. During this time I was still working on my dissertation, which I turned in on the 21st.
I expected that after I found a flat, and turned in my dissertation I would feel relieved, however now, I can only focus on the anxiety of waiting for results to come back . . . in 3 months. I can't sleep, because my heart starts racing and all I can think about is how I'm going to fail. During the day it's almost impossible to eat because of how upset my stomach is. I am an international student in the UK, and my results will determine whether or not I have to go back to America, or whether or not I get to start my PhD. I did all of the math, and I only need to score a 50% to get the overall mark that I need, and I feel as though I wrote a paper that it much better than even that, however, I can't stop the worry. It doesn't sound extreme when I'm writing it all here, but I don't feel as though I can stand even one more day of these feelings. I certainly can't spend 3 months feeling like all of my muscles are so tense they might pull themselves apart at any moment.
I was thinking that visiting my GP on Tuesday (Monday is a banking holiday) is my best bet, because I can't figure out what else to do. I've worked on meditation, I've been through all of the what if scenarios and talked them all over with my boyfriend, but I just can't stop. I feel as though I'm going crazy. What am I worrying over things that I know are going to turn out fine? No matter how many times I tell myself that I am going to get my merit, but if I don't there are other options, I just still can't stop worrying.

I'm wondering if anyone else has something similar, and how you cope. Thank you.

27-08-17, 18:44
This is pretty normal for people with anxiety when they have some big life events going on, whether positive or negative.

If I were you, I would go on YouTube and look up some of the videos on breathing exercises. Those have helped me a lot. Also taking care of yourself will help, too. Try to eat right, go for a long walk (exercise helps so much!), avoid alcohol and caffeine, get in a nap or two. If you still feel the need to see your GP, it's okay to get an antihistamine or some Xanax to take occasionally for the really bad days.