View Full Version : Please help headache!

27-08-17, 19:02
Hi all,

I haven't been feeling great today, think I'm overtired but at about 3pm I suddenly got a horrendous pain behind my left eye, it felt like my eyeballs was going to burst, it spread to my temple and my vision in that eye went blurry. Lasted about 20 mins. Although I'm not in immense pain now my head still feels quite fuzzy. I need glasses for TV and computer but am wondering if maybe my eyes have got worse. Any help appreciated as I'm quite scared xx

27-08-17, 20:03
What help would you like?

I read what you say you felt and all I can think is "this person had a headache and will be fine". It sounds like it originated from the nerve behind your eye, but I'm no expert. Maybe you need new glasses. Maybe you need more sleep. Maybe you're stressed. Maybe, like most headaches, we'll never know.

I'm convinced you're fine, though.