View Full Version : Not feeling well

27-08-17, 23:50
I woke up and ate around 930

I've been cleaning and I had been feeling really thirsty and I was cleaning and drinking water.

Right now I started feeling shaky and super hot. Everyone is telling me it's nice and cold right now. So why am I hot??
Heart is pounding. I'm sweating.

Last night I felt a ball in my calf I'm freaking out about DVT.

This whole morning I kept having thoughts about today is my last day.

I feel sooo hot

Nothing is cooling me down.

While I was cleaning my back kept on feeling tight and I felt smothered when I would breath, and I dealt with random pains that scared me, I don't feel like I warranted this reaction. I vacuumed I did push some furniture but it wasn't that hard to push. For fox sake on Friday I ran in hot temperatures and did a long distance walk and I had breakfast around 9 and did not eat something tilll four and I did not get like this. That was more activity then today.

I feel like I'm going to faint and my husband is getting mad that I'm over reacting to this.

---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:31 ----------

It's 330

Could it have been a drop in sugar.

My husband says it was stuffy in the room I was cleaning but not that hot that should of caused me to sweat really bad. I was looking through boxes and seeing what was for keeping when I just started craving something sweet and then I began to shake/ tremble. Then the hot sweaty mess happened. I have been able to calm down right now I ate half a burrito (hard to eat I feel like throwing up and short of breath) and chugged down a bit of Pepsi, and right now my husband gave me a Gatorade. And I'm starting to feel a lil better but I still feel the shakyness and short of breath and now like a tired/exhausted feeling. I did have a good cry during my panic attack.

Why do I let these panic attacks win??
Why aren't I strong enough to just let this go??

---------- Post added at 22:50 ---------- Previous post was at 22:45 ----------

I'm having panic about eating for some reason. I don't want to eat but I need to. I don't want to feel air hunger when I eat and maybe that's why?

28-08-17, 00:02
please just force yourself to eat even though you may not feel like it. Within a half an hour you will probably start to feel better. It's amazing what an empty stomach can do with our emotions.


Catherine S
28-08-17, 00:12
My mum is 85 years old...she's allowed to wake up thinking today is her last day. I'm 64 and don't feel like that even if I have days when I feel off. I've got a bit more living to do yet.

You're female...you'll get hot, sweaty, feeling faint nauseous days often, it's a balance for the fabulous days when we feel like we own the world. No, ok that's a slight exaggeration, but you get my point I hope. It might not be what you want to hear but what you describe sounds kind of normal. Can I ask how old you are?

Cath S x

28-08-17, 00:25
please just force yourself to eat even though you may not feel like it. Within a half an hour you will probably start to feel better. It's amazing what an empty stomach can do with our emotions.


Indeed. I'm trying but I just feel like I should not that it will just make things worse. I finally cooled down after splashing water on my face and neck and let it air dry. Anxiety is still going strong I'm having moments of deep anxiety. My ribs ache 😖 and I just feel exhausted.

maybe carry over from yesterday? We didn't have breakfast til one and and dinner was pushed back til 730.

---------- Post added at 23:25 ---------- Previous post was at 23:17 ----------

My mum is 85 years old...she's allowed to wake up thinking today is her last day. I'm 64 and don't feel like that even if I have days when I feel off. I've got a bit more living to do yet.

You're female...you'll get hot, sweaty, feeling faint nauseous days often, it's a balance for the fabulous days when we feel like we own the world. No, ok that's a slight exaggeration, but you get my point I hope. It might not be what you want to hear but what you describe sounds kind of normal. Can I ask how old you are?

Cath S x

We do have a bit more of living to do. I'm 29, should I be worried about being pre menopause? That's a big maybe my mom went into it at 32. I already have four kids and that's the end of it we don't plan on more. I have an IUD in place which I have a year to go for me to get it replaced (5year mirena) never had issues with until last week I got my period out of the blue. I have only had my period once a year since I've had it in. And I did about two months ago.
Could it have been hormonal?

I have never gotten this sweaty for doing nothing. In my terms I do more on a daily bases and today I feel like it's been a lazy Sunday with leisure cleaning. And I get like this? I'm stuck on the why.

I should pass it as you say " it's going to happen" mentality but I get stuck on the why did it happen.

Catherine S
28-08-17, 00:32
Well at 29 i'd say it prob isn't the run up to the menopause...it's not impossible if your mom had an early one but unusual. But unusual doesn't mean sinister ok? I know we blame alot on female hormones, but they do control a very large chunk or our lives when you think about it.

It sounds like a possible imbalance to me. The important thing is not to let your anxiety make it more than that. Maybe have a word with your doctor...a simple blood test can show any imbalances.

Cath S ☺ x