View Full Version : Breathing and asthma worries

04-06-07, 22:56
Well I've never been diagnosed with asthma just so everyone knows.

Right now I have a cold, it started off as a sore throat, then it went into my head and now I think it's travelled down into my chest as I have a cough.

I suffer from chest pains and chest tightness as part of my anxiety.

And earlier me and my mom were discussing asthma cause when I was little I had what we think is an asthma attack in my sleep [I woke up being able to breathe in but not out] and also whenever I exercise I get out of breath really quickly. And when my chest feels tight you can hear it when I breathe in. So my mom thinks I have undiagnosed asthma.

Well now I've thought about it my chest has gone all tight and I can't breathe, doesn't help with phlegm on my chest. And I can't work out if it's anxiety, the chest cold or asthma. Would the doctor have been able to hear it when he listened to my chest before? Please help :(

05-06-07, 13:03
Hi Charlottie, if you have been to the docs and been checked out he would have been able to tell if it was your lungs or your chest from listening but i have exactly the same as you, about 3 weeks ago i got a really sore throat but felt fine for a week then it hit me, my head felt all fuzzy i couldn't stop coughing and felt like i was choking on phlegm. It has now been a week since the sore throat and aching went but i am still left with the cough and phlegm. I have also suffered with the tight throat and breathlesness for about 18 months and it is really hard anxiety symptom to let go of and you do feel it worse when you are also ill. I just let mine run it's course and used a steam inhaler, but if you ever get to the point where you can't breathe properly i would get the doctor to specifically check you for asthma or refer you to an asthma clinic just to put your mind at rest.

Jacq x

05-06-07, 16:58
Hello Jacq !
Yes your doctor would hear wheezing in your chest if it was asthma and you would feel like you were trying to breathe through a straw because the airways narrow. Go and get it checked out and put your mind at rest.
Be kind to yourself

05-06-07, 17:09
Thanks for the replies!
Yes I think it may have been either anxiety over stress or anxiety over this week of exams cause when I was concentrating on my french exam today I totally forgot about it and I could breathe fine.
But now I'm home and able to think freely I have a tight chest again, feels like somethings holding the bottom part of my chest in so I can't take a deep breath, even though I can when I try.
I have to go back to the GP to get more ezcema cream soon so I shall ask him about it then.
Thanks again!

05-06-07, 21:29
Feel tight chested and "pleghmy" on my chest again. You can hear it as I breathe, but I did just have some chesty cough medicine which loosens the phlegm to help me cough it up. Ugh I hate not being able to breathe. :(

05-06-07, 23:16
Hi Charlottie,

If it gets too tight run a hot shower and go sit in the bathroom, it will help you breathe. I have a son with asthma and it helps. Your doctor will hear wheezing only when you are having an attack. They can tell if you have asthma by how much you can breathe in and out by testing you. By the way, not to alarm you but ezcema, hives and asthma are all in the same family. I have ezcema/asthma/allergies, son has bad asthma/allergies and other son has hives. Unfortunately they got it all from my side of the family. Does your family have a history of any of this? You could also have bronchitis (sp?) I get that alot too. Hope it goes well at the docs.

Laura :)

05-06-07, 23:39
I know about hayfever/ezcema/asthma that worried me even more :(

I have hayfever and ezcema.
My cousins have really bad ezcema.
My other cousins have asthma.
My brother gets hayfever.
Hmm =/

06-06-07, 00:27
You are okay for now, it went away when you didn't focus on it. Just make an appointment with your GP and take the test for asthma, the doctor will know what to do. They have wonderful treatments today if you even have it. Remember, do the shower thing if breathing gets too difficult, it really helps.


Laura :)

06-06-07, 19:58
Bloody cough is doing my head in haha

06-06-07, 22:46
What does wheezing sound/feel like?

Cause when I breathe in it feels and sounds like lungs are all closed up. Or is that what a chesty cough feels like? I've never had one lmao