View Full Version : Shooting chest pains

28-08-17, 02:04
Does anyone get these with anxiety? Even when I feel I'm not anxious (or not as anxious as usual) I'm led here tonight in bed and get shooting pains in chest near or under left breast. Frustrating

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28-08-17, 15:26
Sincere question - why do you let it frustrate you?

If you know these pains are from anxiety, why not just accept them and let them be there? Fighting and worrying won't make them go away, will it?

Of course, all new chest pains should be investigated just make sure there's nothing more serious going on. Have you told your doctor about them? If you have, and the diagnosis is anxiety, don't be frustrated. They don't mean anything other than that you need to treat your anxiety.

28-08-17, 15:27
I just get worried it's my heart. I've had 3 ecgs and all normal and so is blood work but you know how health anxiety works. But I guess you are right, easier said than done though

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28-08-17, 15:40
I don't care how health anxiety works. Health anxiety is a petty illness that takes hold of good people and ruins lives. I have no respect for it, and I will call it out at any opportunity. And yes, I had it. It robbed me of a job I loved and force me to leave a life in London that I was enjoying. It drove me to the brink of suicide.

The tests you've had are the gold standard for identifying heart problems. The medical profession doesn't mess about with the heart. If they thought anything was wrong, they would be dealing with it as a matter of urgency. You don't have a heart problem.

What you have is a psychological disorder which leads to physical symptoms. Many of these symptoms can seem strange, and it can be hard to believe they are linked to your state of mind. But the mind is a part of the body too. If a disease of the pancreas like diabetes can lead to nerve damage, why can't an illness of the mind lead to chest pain? It can and does.

That frustration you describe will do nothing for you except keep you suffering. The only way in which it can possibly serve you is if you use it as motivation to seek help and get better. Believe me, it can be done.

28-08-17, 16:45
Server is right: there is no end to the slippery HA slope/cycle apart from stepping out from it. And there is no test I'm aware of that can convince a HA sufferer that there is NOTHING wrong with them apart from their HOCD. There are members on here who have been enduring test after test for years. It is of course "easier said than done" but you must focus on your anxiety and treating it rather than on the next ECG, echo, CT, blood test, etc.

28-08-17, 17:16
Thanks for advice . I get bad palpitations too that sometimes make my chest heavy . Most of my anxiety is around the Heart so should be rational I suppose

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