View Full Version : Worried About Bowels

28-08-17, 06:33
I have ibs. I'm also going through a high stress situation at the moment but I feel rather calm.

My brother in law passed away and it's been hard. It was sudden and tragic.

I have been working a lot and I don't think I've been drinking enough water. Who knows. But for the past three days I've felt bloated and comstipated and the movements I have are strained and they hurt and they look like big craters. It's so gross. The first time I wiped and there was a tiny bit of blood. The second time there was more and tonight there was quite a bit. It wasn't in the bowl or in my poo just on the paper. I had to wipe three times to get it clean looking. I'm freaked out and I know it hurt when I went like really bad so it has to be that but one of my fears in colon cancer. What should I do?

28-08-17, 08:52
Hi Sorry to hear about your brother in law,
I too suffer with IBS and it is a lot worse when I'm stressed my bowel movements aren't normal and I get constipated I wouldn't worry to much about the blood when your wiping it's probably because you have strained you've caused a little tear and that's where the blood is coming from it happens to all of us from time to time, us anxiety sufferers our minds go into overdrive and always think the worst straight away I hope you feel better soon.

28-08-17, 08:58
If your having difficulty with the bm it's pretty safe to say your straining a little. I know I've caused blood when I wipe when I've been in a similar situation with my ibs. Getting too wound up about it tends to make the ibs worse for me, horrid cycle really.

I'm sorry for your loss.

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28-08-17, 14:35

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