View Full Version : Fear of melanoma

28-08-17, 08:42
I am so worried, cant sleep, eat or drink :( I am breastfeeding my 10 month old babyboy and I noticed that i have a weird spot under my breast :O I the midlle what looks like pigmentation spot is a small birthmark (about 1mm, brown and usual looking). Is it melanoma? I have never noticed it before :( I have lots of birthmarks and I was last checked 4 years ago.

I am crying my eyes out, I have 9 days til I see a dermatologist... but I cant function...
I am 33y old....

28-08-17, 09:21
Hey there!

Don't be afraid, stat calm and wait for your appointment. Melanoma is something I wouldn't be too worried about.

Melanoma takes quite a while to develop.

Positive thoughts, everything is going to be alright:flowers:

28-08-17, 09:35
Hi I had a Melanoma fear a couple of months ago.The Dermatologist that I saw checked every freckle/mole on my body.Turned out everything was ok and it was my anxiety and googling that had made me believe I had melanoma.

My sister in law came with my to my appointment and she had only given birth to her baby 2 moths ago.She had a mark on her nipple that she had been worrying about.The Dermatologist kindly taken a look at it for her and said it was absolutely normal.He also said that after pregnancy and before out bodies go through some changes and it's all to do with hormones.

I wouldn't worry,it's good that you are aware but I know how your feeling as 7 years ago after the birth of my first baby is when my health anxiety all started.

29-08-17, 12:34
we cant tell you if its cancer since we are not doctors and we cannot see the spot. Melanoma is very curable when found early above 90% survival rate, so that should be enough to ease your mind hopefully. i too had a skin cancer fear, and like you it was on a private part of my body so i couldnt go flashing it around getting oppinons from friends, but after a while i forgot about it and its been there for years now so im guessing its fine. mine is darkish brown looks like a freckle less than 4 mm in size and borders are fairly even no itching or pain. so if youre truly concerned go to see a derm or at least your primary care doctor.