View Full Version : Do holidays make you feel 'ill'?

28-08-17, 18:15
I was wondering if anyone else finds it difficult to relax and wind down when on leave - whether their symptoms actually exacerbate when trying to enjoy some relaxation down time?

The last year or so, when I finally get to fit in some leave from a very busy and mentally taxing job, I find that the first day of leave falls totally flat on me. I make plans for all the things I want to do and then find that I just feel ill. Nothing specific just generally unwell, no energy, and then the depression and anxiety kick in - not to mention physical aches and nondescript pains....

I'm getting to the point where I feel it is better just to carry on working - I seem to function better when I have a daily or weekly routine -and when I finally stop working and the pressure is off I feel as if my whole being - physically and mentally - just turns in on itself and almost folds up. It's getting more and more difficult to shake myself out of this, and I've been struggling with anxiety and fibromyalgia for years now. Thought I had it beaten.

Anyone else struggle this way?

29-08-17, 06:26
I once went to Australia for a week of holidays after a particularly stressful year and was super ill for the whole trip. I violently vomited throughout the flight despite never having suffered air or seasickness in the past. I was also horribly lightheaded and nauseas (my usual anxiety symptoms) for the rest of the week. It's fair to say I haven't been overseas since :weep:

I'm now on medication so hopefully some day I'll travel again!

12-09-17, 10:24
Yes I do. It started several years ago when I started to worry about skin cancer. Id booked a holiday to Spain and was anxious the whole time and even came home early because of it. I was only in the shade, wouldn't sunbathe (still don't tbh) walked in the shadows and use factor 50 all the way - none of this is bad skincare advice but Im super aware of it! Then the next year I went to Lv and had food poisoning on the way home which was dreadful. I think after that I just had it in my head that I was going to be ill of some description and then on my next flight I was ill again so it was like a self fulfilling prophecy. I forced myself to go to Mexico on October and it was amazing. Then Dubai in February, not so good as I had a panic attack in the airport on the way home and just wanted to curl up and be left alone. It was horrid. Flown 3 times since as Im truly pushing myself and those were absolutely fine. Its very odd. I keep blaming my hormones and mood. If I'm in a happy mood I'm fine, If im feeling anxious its not good!

12-09-17, 21:24
I am not so bad now but when I was little, every time we would go on holiday I would be up sick the first night.

My parents would always say that they knew the first night of the holiday would be a right off.

Even as a child I had Anxiety