View Full Version : Terrified for 9 year old daughter - should I worry or am I crazy?

28-08-17, 19:23
I'm sorry for posting again everyone, I feel as if I'm starting to annoy people here, but I just need reassurance (again) and I don't know where else to turn to.
My HA is very bad at the moment, nearly always something with me, but I'm worried about my 9 year old daughter and I can't get the really bad thoughts out of my head.
A few weeks ago I was afraid she had something like MS because she had a buzzing feeling in her feet. She hasn't complained about that in a few weeks now and my husband was convinced it was the heely shoes she was wearing was causing it. After that she said for a few days that the little finger on one of her hands felt weird, as if there was something tight wrapped around it. Again, she hasn't said anything about that in a few weeks.
Then last week she went to the toilet and said it was sore to make a wee and it was sore for an hour or two afterwards. And then today she told me she noticed a bit of wee in her underwear when she went to the toilet and it's happened a few times to her over the summer. She said it only happens when she is sitting on the couch for a few hours at a time skyping her friend on the laptop which is on a table in front of her. I have these MS fears running through me now and it's terrifying me. I've given up googling but I'm not sure if I read somewhere before that bladder problems (control, infections etc) are another sign of MS. Is it even possible to have MS symptoms at her age?
Or am I completely over reacting here, joining dots that shouldn't be joined? I'd appreciate any advice here, and sorry for the long post....

28-08-17, 19:33
am I completely over reacting here, joining dots that shouldn't be joined? I'd appreciate any advice here, and sorry for the long post....

Yes, you're totally over-reacting IMO. Advice? Get help with your anxiety. What at worst could be a minor UTI in no way shape or form resembles MS.

28-08-17, 22:27
Thank you Fishmanpa. I still can't help but feel scared. She said it happened to her again about an hour ago, and again it was after she had been sitting on the couch for a while, leaning forward to reach the laptop.
Is it a common thing for kids to have a uti?
The last thing I want to do is to let her see that I am worrying about this.

28-08-17, 23:01
It happens. Just ask her to tell you if it really starts to bother her. Otherwise, I would chill. As far as her seeing your anxiety? I can tell you from experience that kids are a lot more perceptive than we give them credit for.

When my ex and I were having marital issues, we tried to keep it from the kids. My daughter knew something was up at 5 years old... She said to me one day "How come you and Mommy don't hug and kiss like other Mommys and Daddys?" It really opened my eyes. My daughter, aside from what I believe are genetic pre-dispositions, developed anxiety and depression from the environmental factors of being exposed to my ex's depression and hoarding and as I mentioned in another post, the separation and subsequent divorce had an effect on her as well. Your daughter may not be totally aware of exactly whats going on with your anxiety, but I suspect she's aware something is amiss.

The best thing to do is treat your anxiety so you can be the Mom you want to be without the distractions and handicaps your anxiety causes.

Positive thoughts

28-08-17, 23:36
I really am trying so hard not to let her see my anxiety and worry, but I know what you're say as well - they pick up on so many things it's impossible to hide everything from them.

I'm trying to deal with my anxiety as best I can, which isn't very good at the moment. I did start therapy a few months ago and I was delighted that it was going well. But unfortunately I had to give it up after just 3 sessions.
My husband, who I knew was under pressure at work, had a complete mental breakdown and has been unable to work since. So I basically couldn't afford it and neither of us is working now.
So I'm just trying to take things day by day for now and get through each day. Since his breakdown my HA has completely flared up and there are days when I feel a complete mess from it. I'm hoping that some day I will get back into therapy again but until then I'll just have to ride out the waves...

And I'm sorry Fishman that you've had to see your daughter go through that. All any of us want is to protect our kids and keep them from harm.
Thank you again for your sound advice!!

29-08-17, 00:32
You're certainly going through the mill BGirl! Anyone would be struggling regardless of anxiety. All I can say, and I say it from experience, is take it day to day, stay in the moment and do what you can to reduce stressors in your life until things settle down. It does get better and again, I say it from experience.

Positive thoughts