View Full Version : Sisters Health Anxiety making mine worse

28-08-17, 20:21
I was on this site a while ago but have the need to talk about something. My sister 66 years old has been away for 6 weeks and completely ignoring results for a biopsy and getting a colonoscopy that was scheduled. I know how afraid she is but it's ramping my anxiety and panic up 1000 fold. I have gone back on Citralopram (into 6th week) and don't know if my panic is partly because of getting on the meds but it is also her behaviour and not knowing what to do about it.

She is finally coming home on Saturday and all of what she left behind will now be facing her. I am in a panic almost daily because I don't know how to handle her or what to do. I am a good sister but she can sometimes be quite volatile and shout at me for no reason leaving me like a deer in headlights. I do love her and she has some very good points but this is just too much for me right now.

God forbid but if this biopsy is not good news (but I'm hoping it is good) what will I do. Does anyone have a sibling that is full of health anxiety and can tell me. She had breast cancer 11 years ago and every visit to the doctor or dentist she says they are looking for cancer. Any guidance would be appreciated.

Thanks Jo