View Full Version : Hospital Phobia

05-06-07, 07:12
Here we go again have to visit the hospital for routine mamagram on the 13th June I am already panicing about it and only got letter yesterday
I have a terrible phobia over hospitals, But I know I have to have the screening done usually it has been in a mobile room but this time it is in the hospital
dont even know if i will get there dont know about getting it done
anyone got any ideas about this PLEASE

05-06-07, 17:32
Hello Syl !
I've just had my mammogram - so I can relate to this one !
Don't know if this will help Syl, but this is what I did ........

At home I argued with myself about all my reasons for not going and realised I was afraid of losing control of both myself and the situation I'd be in. You know what I mean ? Run screaming like a banshee or something ? Sound familiar ? Nobody was going to stick needles in me or hurt me in any way, the nurses and x-ray staff will all be female, I'll be in and out in less than ten minutes.

Okay - so I rang up and got precise directions of how to get there and exactly where to go, and told them I would be mega-anxious if not panicking. They were fantastic, told me everything I needed to know and promised to be ready for me. They were.

Travelling there I used some EFT on myself. Here's how I did it........
Put your hands together as if praying, bridge your fingers so just the finger tips are touching, then gently tap the finger tips together and say to yourself "even though I'm terrified of this, I am safe and secure and will get through this" (This is easy and unobtrusive to do, so nobody will notice you).
I did it travelling there, whilst I was checking in, getting changed, even following the nurse into the x-ray area. I was fine ! I was so pleased with myself afterwards.

And of course my mammogram was normal.

I know you can do this too Syl, break the whole experience down into bite-sized manageable pieces and know what you will be doing and where you will be every moment of it. Plan ahead. Have a dummy run if you need to.

The only fear is your fear of the panic, not the hospital. I can vouch for this through my own experience so I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT ! and I'll be thinking of you on the 13th . Please go and know I will be supporting you.
Be kind to yourself

05-06-07, 20:14
heck you got your results quick it says on my letter result will be posted in 4 to 6 weeks
heck 4-6 weeks to worry over results wich is worse

05-06-07, 21:20
Hiya Syl a couple of things really,when my mum had her mammogram she was informed in less then a week that she had breast cancer,she had a letter saying they wanted to see her again,so be reassured if there is anything sinister going on it wont take 4-6 weeks for them to tell you.
Also like you i have a phobia of hospitals and last June i had to go in for an op and the staff were Amazing,i know some people dont think much of the nursing staff,but i'd informed them before hand abbout my problems and they were totally understanding and made me feel incrediably safe.
Also when i have to go for an appointment at the hospital,i'll go to where i need to go ie ENT register that i'm there then explain i have severe panic attacks and is there anyway near by with a door i can stand at as i feel trapped.
Alot of the time,they'll open a fire exit and let me stand/sit there where i dont feel trapped.
Hope this helps.Hugs

06-06-07, 06:21
Hi Syl, maybe if you are ok with the mobile units they have for mamograms you could re arrange your appointment? I have been told that avoiding the thing you fear most is not the right attitude but if it means that you can have the mamogram and not be stressed by going to the hopsital that might help you. I always feel 100% safe in hospital as I am a nurse and feel very secure in any hospital! Hope you feel better soon though-it's horrible feeling panicky Bubble

07-06-07, 11:03
Hi Syl, i have recently had a mamogram and my cousin works in that department. It depends on how you came to get an appointment to where you go, if it is just a routine age or family related check up you can ask to be seen at the mobile unit and then you have to wait for the x-ray to be sent off checked and reported back. If you are being seen for a specific reason as i was you will be seen inside the hospital, i first had to see the breast cancer specialist for an examination then went down to the breast imaging suite for an ultrasound and mamogram then waited while they developed them and took them back up to the consultant who gives you your results there and then. I told the staff as soon as i got there that i had a problem with being in hospital and they let my husband and mom stay with me until i was called in to the x-ray area, then i was too busy talking to other woman to worry much and it only took about 10 minutes for the tests. In Wolverhampton where i live we have regular drop in breast units parked on doctors car parks i would see if they do the same by you.

Jacq x

11-06-07, 20:15
Thanks all for your replys wed is getting closer and panic is getting worse got myself in a right state over the weekend with it all and told myself i was not going to go but then after thinking about it i will only worry if i dont go god i wish i didnt worry over health so dam much